“The Root” Catches Heat For Comparing Megan Thee Stallion To Diddy Following Harassment Lawsuit

Megan Thee Stallion Diddy

A now-deleted tweet ignited backlash on social media.

Megan Thee Stallion became the latest music artist to face litigation over alleged misconduct. That pending lawsuit led to an African-American-focused media outlet making a comparison between the rap star born Megan Pete and Hip-Hop mogul/accused sex trafficker Sean “Diddy” Combs.

On Tuesday (April 23), The Root posted a tweet that read, “Is Megan Thee Stallion the Female Diddy? Crazy Sexual Harassment Allegations Show We Never Know Celebs.”

The Root’s X account eventually deleted that tweet after the post amassed more than 228,000 views on the platform. However, the deletion did not stop other X users from calling out the Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald E. Graham-founded online magazine.

Cultural critic Carolyn Hinds blasted The Root. Hinds tweeted, “The two situations are NOTHING ALIKE AT ALL. To make these kinds of incorrect and unequal comparisons in a situation like this is absolutely gross and journalistic malpractice. Stop trying to be like Bossip and have some [damn] decorum.”

Another person wrote, “The Root wrote an inflammatory headline about Megan Thee Stallion [because] they knew [people] would quote tweet it with disgust. They’ve been going downhill for a few years now. Desperation breeds depravity.”

Someone else posted, “The Root asked was Megan the ‘female Diddy.’ Please get a grip.” Additionally, an X user accused the 16-year-old publication of being “anti-Black.”

Emilio Garcia sued Megan Thee Stallion in Los Angeles County Superior Court over complaints of harassment and hostile work environments. The rapper’s ex-cameraman claimed Megan had sex with a woman in a moving vehicle while he was in the car.

“This is an employment claim for money — with no sexual harassment claim filed and with salacious accusations to attempt to embarrass her,” Megan’s attorney, Alex Spiro, stated. “We will deal with this in court.”