EXCLUSIVE: Jam Master Jay Saga Continues – Ronald Washington Appeals Murder Conviction

Jam Master Jay - Run-DMC

Ronald “Tinard” Washington contests his conviction in Jam Master Jay’s murder case, seeking a new trial.

The ongoing saga of the murder of Hip-Hop icon Jam Master Jay continues to play out as Ronald “Tinard” Washington, one of the convicted individuals, is seeking a reversal of his conviction or a retrial.

The defense team has filed a motion arguing that the government failed to provide sufficient evidence to link Washington to a drug conspiracy at the time of the murder, challenging the integrity of the verdict that found him guilty alongside Karl Jordan Jr.

According to the motion, there was no substantial evidence proving Washington’s involvement in a drug conspiracy or his association with the crime at the time the legendary Run-DMC group member, whose real name was Jason Mizell, was killed.

The defense detailed the lack of evidence regarding any ongoing drug conspiracy or Washington’s participation in it during the time of Jam Master Jay’s murder.

Furthermore, the motion highlighted that witnesses testified against the idea of Jam Master Jay’s involvement in drug dealings, adding complexity to the government’s narrative.

This legal challenge comes after both Washington and Jordan were found guilty of murder while engaged in narcotics trafficking and firearm-related murder.

Prosecutors had painted a narrative that Jam Master Jay was murdered due to a dispute over a lucrative cocaine distribution deal, asserting that Washington and Jordan took lethal action after being ousted from the deal.

The trial revealed chilling details of the murder, including testimonies that Jordan had expressed a willingness to kill JMJ again if he had the chance.

Despite the weight of these accusations, the defense is now questioning the credibility of the evidence of a drug conspiracy and the proper application of legal standards by the jury.

As this legal battle unfolds, there is also an update on Jay Bryant, the third individual charged in connection with Mizell’s murder.

Prosecutors and Bryant’s attorney César de Castro, are reportedly discussing a plea deal, which could potentially result in a different legal outcome for Bryant.

Prosecutors say Bryant “was involved, but he’s not the killer.”

He was charged in 2023 for his alleged role in facilitating the murder by helping Jordan and Washington gain access to the studio through a fire escape.