Hip-Hop Rumors: Star Magazine Claims Will Smith Is Gay?

Hold UP! These people won’t let Big Will and Jada live, will they? Well, here is the latest in a long line of divorce gossip surrounding Will and Jada. http://www.gossipandsoaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/star-magazine-march-19-2012-will-jada-meet-the-man-who-came-between-them.jpg Now, we aren’t sure of all the contents in this article, but early reports are suggesting Will and his friend and actor Duane Martin are […]

Hip-Hop Rumors: Game Explains Spitting Debacle

Earlier this week, we reported that rapper Game was caught on video spitting on fans from the VIP section of an Australian nightclub. Well, Game has now released his side of the story, and it sounds like he was provoked into the disgusting act. Check out his comments below: “This girl and her dude were […]