Is Empire Based On This Couple?


Photo via @EmpireFox

Empire is the hottest thing on television, well at least to many. I think it’s a little overrated but I digress. Since the Fox show has caused quite a buzz it seems that many are claiming the show is about their lives. SIT DOWN! Everyone wants a piece of the Empire publicity pie. Here’s the latest claim:

Iman Shumpert of the Cleveland Cavaliers is accusing Fox’s#### show Empire of basing Hakeem and Tiana’s relationship on his and Teyana Taylor’s without their permission LOL. Iman feels that Hakeem is an extension of himself because they both share the same hairstyle. He also feels that the character Tiana and Teyana Taylor have strikingly similar monikers as well as the same hairstyle. Shumpert told the Northeast Ohio Media Group:

“They’re using my girls character, her style, her look and she’s not getting anything for it. They didn’t even change her name. And come on man, they’re really using a guy with a flat top like me. Come on That’s ridiculous.”

LMAO! What do you think?