
Tekashi 69 Has A Talk With The Cops Over Shooting!

(AllHipHop Rumors) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! New York cannot take this sort of hit! This is what they are saying on the internet. A rainbow-colored rat? Damn, they hate you more every day, Tekashi! Right now, Tekashi is the focal point of an investigation of a shooting that happened inside the Barclay’s in Brooklyn. First, how’d they get […]

Belly Gets Beat Up At Coachella!

(AllHipHop Rumors) Roc Nation rapper Belly is pretty popular, but over the weekend…he got attacked. He went on social media to address it…AND there is video. It seems that Coachella security were the ones that did the beating. Also, Belly is expected to sue. Take a look. ​

Kanye West Says “I Love Donald Trump”

(AllHipHop Rumors) Kanye West says “I LOVE DONALD TRUMP.” We all know he has and album coming out. But this is beyond basic promotion and marketing an upcoming opus. This dude has gone ROGUE completely. This is beneath even the so-called “sunken place. Here is a run down of what took place in the interview. […]

More 6ix9ine Rumors And Rhetoric!

(AllHipHop Rumors) That boy Tekashi 69 is all the rage! All the talk is about him! And he knows it! Why does he keep calling himself a kid though? He’s a solid 21, about to be 22 in May. He can’t be out here wildin and whatever like he does and evoke the “kid” crap […]

When Nicki Minaj Claps Back, Fans Better Duck!

(AllHipHop Rumors) If you thought you were bearing witness to a nicer kinder Nicki Minaj that is the victim of predators…you were wrong. I mean, maybe we are. So, Cardi B and the Migos and kinda sorta do Nicki wrong and get these docile, sniffy words. But, if a “nobody” on social media says something […]

Check Out “ATM” By J. Cole

(AllHipHop Music) J. Cole is touching some nerves with his latest song and video, “ATM”. The video is a slick, slightly psychedelic look at commercialism in Hip-Hop and the greater community. The video shows how the almighty dollar can lead to death for the misguided. Check it out and offer your interpretation of this piece […]

More Proof Kanye West Is In The Sunken Place!

(AllHipHop Rumors) You know Kanye has an album coming out! This dude is doing the most to get a look on all forms of media! This time, Kanye West has apparently put his voice and support behind a Black woman that hates Black people! I never even heard of Candace Owens until Kanye Wests tweeted […]

Did Kanye Lie To Us All?

(AllHipHop Rumors) You know we have source and more sources, not just IG and artists snitching on each other. Well, I got a good word from a good bird that said that Kris Jenner, Kim’s momma, IS managing Kanye West. Maybe she is the reason for the slew of pseudo wisdom spewing out of Kanye’s […]

Xzibit Adds Fuel To Rumors Diddy Is Gay-ish

(AllHipHop Rumors) The rumors have been out there for quite some time, but let me say that methinks Diddy is straight as an indigenous arrow, BUT…there has been smoke. In this video interview, X to the Z is basically saying he went attended Party that Diddy was having back in the day and it was […]

J. Cole Managed To Hurt Kanye West’s Feeling

(AllHipHop Rumors) How does Kanye West – the hurter of feelings – manage to get hurt up? That’s easy – Cole World! I don’t know who this Kanye West is, but I know that he cannot possibly be tripping over a couple of lines from J. Cole. Kanye has dissed people like Rhymefest for years […]