Kanye West Accused Of Stiffing Almost 1,000 Employees In Class Action Lawsuits

Kanye West

The billionaire rapper is accused of mistreating employees of his Sunday Service Christian themed shows. 

Chicago rap star Kanye West is accused of abusing thousands of workers who were a part of his “Sunday Service” Gospel shows.

According to reports, Kanye is the subject of two separate class-action lawsuits. 

One lawsuit includes over 500 people, while the other compromises 300 disgruntled ex-employees who used to work for the rapper. 

Both of the lawsuits maintain Kanye West violated California labor laws, for failing to pay staff members on time, or in some cases at all, after they put in work for “Sunday Service.”

Kanye is accused of stiffing hairstylists, makeup artists, performers, and actors, who were hired to sit in the audience for his opera, “Nebuchadnezzar,” according to The Daily Mail.

The rapper also failed to pay overtime, or give the employees the proper meal and rest breaks as hired employees. 

In total, Kanye is facing over $30 million in damages, should the lawsuits proceed to trial.

Also named in the class action lawsuits are Live Nation Worldwide, and a company called Art Partner.