Brazilian television may not have a clue how sensitive the “N-Word” is for Black people if a new TV show is an indication.
A new program called “Sex And The N#####” is a take on “Sex And The City,” but it follows four Black women.
The prime time show is written by a white man, Miguel Falabella, has people in an uproar, highlighting bigotry and bias. A national boycott has ensued and critics are all over this one.
One writer from said:
“In the series “Sex and the N#####”, the narrator is a white person. She is a voyeur; someone who is looking through a keyhole at the sexuality and the bodies of black women who can be raped and manipulated by structural whiteness, not only literally but also through cultural representation. Our existence is fetishised. We are on display for the white gaze. Moreover, even when the characters in “Sex and the N#####” are placed in situations of explicit racism and sexism, they do not react. The women remain silent or dissolve into strange giggles. These women do not represent us.”
Below is a preview of “Sex And The N#####.”
A Facebook page has been erected to stop the show. Click here for that.