Umar Rashad Ibn Abdullah-Johnson!
You might know him at Dr. Umar. That’s my dude! No matter what you say, my dude’s on point. He has been working steadfastly to open a school in Wilmington, DE. Much has been made over the FDMG ACADEMY. The Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy has been going on and on for a very long time, but there seems to be good news. Recently, there has been considerable slander on the good Dr. Umar. Some people, sadly those in Delaware have been peddling propaganda suggesting that he was living within the school. Well, my sources tell me that he’s simply working really hard to open the school this year.
People have wonder what is taking so long. I was told that the school, which was formerly called The Maurice J. Moyer Academy, was essentially gutted. The “fiends” and whatnot stole anything that could be stolen, such as copper pipes and plumbing. Stuff like that had to be re-bought and re-installed. And that does not mention the remodeling. From what I understand, the community there in Wilmington does actually respect Dr. Umar’s efforts and have not messed with things since he took over.
Anyway, I am hearing that soon he’s going to be opening things up so that people can see the fruits of his efforts. And he’s been lifting this weight heavy and largely by himself. The Breakfast Club interview a few years ago explained much of the issue at that time. He added that HVAC (air conditioning) and electric work were other areas.
The rumored goal is it opening things up this spring sometime and open The Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy in the fall for boys.
He’s watching you!