Meet Ruti Gomes: The Emerging Hip-Hop Sensation And Nutritionist in Brazil

As a musician and nutrition expert, Ruti believes human life should be disease-free to enjoy it the way one enjoys a rap song.

A multi-talented person having excelled in three different fields which are music production, music artist, and nutrition specialist, the 32-years old Ruti Gomes has successfully made her presence felt through her hip-hop singles.

Based out of Sinop in Brazil, Ruti is particularly known for creating rhythmic music for gym-goers and fitness-conscious people that have been acclaimed globally. Such music comes as a great help for physical training and nutrition routine.

This became evident as Ruti’s singles like Dance Corporate Gym, Villain at the Gym, Fitness Gym, Energetic Retro Gym, and Metal at the Academy turned globally popular and made rounds in social media.

Born on July 8, 1989, Ruti opened up a new vista in the field of Hip-Hop as she blended the rhythms with the fitness regime and musically highlighted the importance of nutrition. As this was rarely done earlier, it proved her immense creativity.

In fact, such an effort was the need of the hour as the outbreak of COVID-19 brought to light the prime importance of remaining fit by developing the body’s immune system with the help of nutritious food. To fight the CoronaVirus, our body really needs to be armored and that can be done only through raising the level of public consciousness about nutrition.  

Drawn to the domain of music at the age of 15, Ruti developed her taste for electronic music. Subsequently, she decided to produce musical albums.

A person who believes in a balanced lifestyle and following the nutrition action plan, Ruti also imparted lessons to the students and others to follow the same to lead healthier and happy lives. Ruti’s fitness Mantra is quite clear: the human body needs fuel which is food to live normal and healthy lives.

Naturally, the food for life must be nutritious to help them avoid diseases and stay fit. This is just like a machine: a machine needs fuel to run and it can run well if the fuel is pure. She blended this thought with music which the public liked greatly.

Ruti brought to the surface the fact that human wellness and wellbeing depends totally on intake of nutritious food and not junk food to which a large number of us are addicted. This thought found excellent expression through her pop songs thus creating a new awareness among the people.

Here, her innovativeness can be seen clearly.

To a media question what was the challenge Ruti faced and how did she overcome it, the pop singer musingly says: “I made it a mission to propagate the value of remaining fit in life and showcased it through rhythmic ways. When I began that, I was a little nervous as to how people would accept it? But the grand success of having seen people supporting my views greatly pleases me.”

As a musician and nutrition expert, Ruti believes human life should be disease-free to enjoy it the way one enjoys a rap song. Life should also have rhythms of its own if one is healthy both mentally and physically. Hence, her songs are also full of optimism with the tag of good health for longevity attached to it.

Since the audience found such nutrition-teaching a marked departure from the usual claptrap being taught through energizing your brain with music. Certainly, Ruti has opened up a new chapter in rap music by linking it with human life. You can keep a tab on Ruti Gomes’s life journey on Instagram or Spotify. She regularly shares new updates with her fans and followers on Instagram.