Music has a way of stirring up a buzz in general. Rapper Jonezen seems to be stirred up and actually fires shots towards Azalea Banks and Amber Rose in a candid sit down to find out what’s on this rapper’s ind and how he expresses it in his music.What’s good Jonezen? You have gotten some comparisons to Eminem. For folks who are not familiar with you, give them a little background as to who you are.Yea man those Em comparisons have been crazy to me. Like I’ve said before I’m not trying to be the next Em, I’m just trying to do me but I’m honored to have my name mentioned with his. He’s one of the best to ever do it. As for who I am – I’m from Detroit, been living in Cali for the past 10 years. I suppose like the new record says – I’m just doin’ my thang! I just toured with Bone Thugs, my record “Tear The Club Up’ ft. Gucci Mane and Natalia Damini has done really well getting air play on MTV Jams, ranking #2 on and 4 on It’s gotten major FM spins all over the country and been in rotation on SiriusXM’s Hip Hop Nation show. I’ve won the L.A. Music Awards the past two years in a row for Hip Hop Artist of the Year. That’s a brief overview for ya. the song “Doin’ My Thang” (Shots Fired) you take shots at rapper Azealia Banks and Amber Rose. Tell us what is the point you are trying to get across with the song. Haha. Man, with Azealia the bully needed to get picked on. That girl is always running her mouth about something and for whatever reason people seem to give a f### and I can’t figure out why. And Amber just one of those broads that’s on some “Ima f### rappers and get famous”. Like Kanye said in his interview with Power 105 in New York “If it wasn’t for me there wouldn’t be an Amber Rose”. And that’s real. In my opinion both of those two are just wack. No disrespect to Kanye or Wiz.Azealia Banks is known to fight back at those who take shots at her, are you prepared for that?S### man let her. If she wants to start popping off back at me she’s bout to regret it. I’ll eat that little girl up man. My s### is @jonezenmusic …GET AT ME. I’m ready.Overall, what is your opinion on the State of Hip Hop and if you could change one thing, what would it be?I’m down with the state of hip hop right now. There’s stuff I like and stuff I don’t. But that’s how it’s always going to be. Just because I’m hating on a few people with wack music and come-ups doesn’t mean I’m mad at the game in general. It’s a good time to be an artist. There’s lots of opportunity you just have to learn about the business and figure out what your hustle is. That being said this s### is expensive. That’s what I would change. You need a huge budget to make a dent and impact. I’m super fortunate I’ve been linked up with a label and team that puts their money where their mouth is and pushes me how they do. That’s extremely rare. But my hustle is what got me there. If you don’t have that you need that YouTube gimmick or something similar. That Soulja Boy video. That Trinidad James s### if you want to crack. Either that or you build a fan base slow and steady, which I’ve done, but I think 99% of the time you stay underground. Which is fine. You can make a good living doing that if you do it right. But underground isn’t where I want to be.Any final words for the people.Thank you to for the interview. Shout out to my label Concore Entertainment and my manager Charve The Don. All my supporters…I See you. Props to the ones who ride with me and support what I’m doing. Grab that new record for free on my soundcloud page. “Tear The Club Up” is out on iTunes, my mixtape The Party Ain’t Over vol 1 is a free download on Datpiff. Get at me on those socials! It’s all @jonezenmusic. We’re looking forward to a big 2015. #ThePartyAintOver