This ain’t no rumor and this ain’t about Hip-Hop, but it needs to be stated. I hope America understands it freed a murderer to the streets now. Now, they can see what kind of PSYCHO HE IS. But, this m#### f**ka is even worse than you thought. Check it. Not only has he impregnated his girlfriend like a month after his wife leaves the house, but he has done the inconceivable! This fool sent his girlfriend’s underage daughter still images from a sex tape he made with her. This dude is crazy.
He’s got a history of domestic violence. He’s threatened his wife, girlfriend and his wife’s parents with violence. And now he sends the underage daughter of his gal-pal where he lives nastiness of him an her mom. The good part is that Zimmy had to surrender all his guns.

He was in jail last time I checked, but he’s expected to post bail. Oh, he’s in debt over $2 million in DEBT.
“They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry!” -illseed.
Illseed, Out.
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