Cat Calabrese is a talented artist and songwriter with a unique sound. Her songs could most definitely be considered very uplifting, energetic, and engaging due to their world-class blend of pop and electronic influences, among other styles. However, the road to get to this point was pretty long and winding for Cat, who had to face many struggles to become the successful and wonderful person she is today.
It takes an extraordinary person to take considerable risks in life to pursue art and creativity.
Cat is most definitely this person, especially if you consider everything she overcame to become an artist. She was inspired to make music in 2020 when she felt stuck in the wrong place in life. She was in an abusive relationship, and when she finally got out of it, she knew that she had to do something to process further what went on and embrace the path towards healing. She found that music was one of the best ways to do this.
She could have easily succumbed to all of the stress and trauma from her relationship, but this wasn’t the case. Cat is a true fighter, and she used music as a weapon – Not a weapon to harm or destroy, mind you, but a weapon to empower herself and build herself up, embracing confidence and energy in the best possible way. Even amidst the trauma, Cat was never afraid to speak her mind and tell her truth.

Musically, Cat Calabrese had a great passion for creating for many years was too afraid to put herself out there and try her hand at a beautiful and rewarding career in songwriting and performing. Her fifth single release, in particular, a track is known as “Psycho Therapy,” is an excellent example of what you can expect from Cat’s emotional and personal blend of songwriting. This song speaks about her experiences and her motivation to turn trauma and pain into a positive force to make her life something better and even help others do so!
The song sets the bar higher with a creative approach to music production. It sounds killer, with beautiful melodies, cinematic piano parts, and engaging beats that are really driven yet never overpowering. “Psycho Therapy” could be considered a quintessential indie-pop song with a modern flair because it showcases the artist’s uncommon and refreshing vocal ability and her uniquely broad range of sounds. The song’s verses, for instance, are pretty restrained and soothing, while the hooks are big and open, with Cat belting out her melodies in a powerful and striking tone that is reminiscent of some of the most influential pop stars of today’s music.