Dr. Cornel West Released; Rapper Tef Poe’s Arrest Spurns #FreeTefPoe


UPDATE: Tef Poe and the others were all released early Tuesday morning.

(AllHipHop News) Ferguson, MO policeman Darren Wilson is free even though his actions resulted in the death of a teenage, unarmed Mike Brown. Some call Wilson a murderer and call for his arrest.

Both Dr. Cornel West and rapper Tef Poe protested peacefully on Monday, but were hauled off to jail for their actions. West has been released, but Tef Poe remains in police custody after a separate act of civil disobedient. Cultural critics, activists and others  have maintained that the arrests are just a punctuation on the corrupt nation of the system.

RELATED: Talib Kweli, dead prez, Tef Poe, Rebel Diaz And Thousands Hit The Streets

Jodie Evans of CODEPINK: Women for Peace told AllHipHop how the arrest of Dr. West all unfurled, as she was present when it happened.

“Dr. West announced at the event in St Louis that he didn’t come to talk, he came to go to jail.  If the Ferguson police didn’t arrest Officer Darren Wilson he would go to jail demanding it.  ‘When you murder someone you get arrested and have a fair trial,’ he told the audience.  Today without umbrella or raincoat he continued to stand with the clergy asking for justice.  Each of the clergy looking in the eyes of the police and addressing them as humans and sharing their stories.  Tears were flowing before the rain join in.  Dr West was the first to be arrested by the cops, he continued to speak to them asking for their humanity.”

“From the time Dr. Cornel West arrived in St Louis and Ferguson he has shown up to support the young leaders of Ferguson.  His humility and strength continued through the wee hours of this morning, through his standing in the pouring rain inviting the humanity of the Ferguson police, to being handcuffed and taken into the police station as he continued to plea for justice and arrest of Officer Darren Wilson.”

Tef Poe was among a small collective that entered a local WalMart and convened in the Pet food section in “planned civil disobedience” of John Crawford. Crawford was killed in the pet food section of a Dayton, OH WalMart. A total of 7 people were arrested. Here is a video of Tef Poe getting arrested:

Sources will AllHipHop said, WalMart customers were talking pictures and others joined in chanting with the protesters. Finally, the protesters locked arms and then were taken in by arriving police. This is the third WalMart that was shut down by protesters. Ferguson and St. Louis has been a hotbed for over 60 days since the slaying of unarmed teenager Mike Brown in August. Brown was killed in the street by officer Darren Wilson. Wilson remains on paid leave and has not been charged with any crime. Respect to @tef_poe and all the others standing on the front lines for justice everywhere, even in a STL Wal-Mart. #FergusonOctober

By the night’s end, protesters took their energy to the Monday Night Football Game where the local St. Louis Rams played the San Fransisco 49ers.

The Rams lost.