Emily B is happy to have welcomed her baby boy, but birthing him was a tough experience.In a Instagram post, the stylist detailed the complications she endured during her pregnancy and while in labor. Instead gaining weight, Emily said she lost 15 pounds and was dehydrated due to suffering from “horrible nausea.” While in labor she also said that her epidural wore off and she had to end up getting her esophagus numbed for an emergency cesarean section.
[ALSO READ: Fabolous And Emily B Welcome Their Second Child]
Emily and Fab welcomed their second child together, a baby boy named Jonas, on June 2nd. The couple already have a son together, 7-year-old Johan, who you saw on the cover of Fabolous’ latest album, The Young OG Project.
Read Emily’s experience below.
I really enjoyed being pregnant but what you didn’t know was that I suffered from horrible nausea and I lost weight during pregnancy. I was in labor for 16 hours and wouldnt dilate past 9cm.. I pushed & pushed and shredded up my c#####. My sons heart rate dropped and his head was stuck in the birth canal so I had to get a emergency c-section– which by then my epidural had wore off so I had to get a local spinal which numbed my esophagus! I felt like I was going to DIE! I couldn’t feel myself breathing or catch my breath- I had a panic attack and had to be sedated .. I lost over 45% of my blood and had to get a blood transfusion. By the Grace of GOD I’m ok and my son is healthy. I’m stating all this to say – I lost 15lbs after spending a week in the hospital. I’ve only been home a week and I’m still not recovered. My incision is very low but is still filled with fluid and hurts badly.. I salute all the moms & moms to be! By far one of the toughest experiences of my life! Just wanted to share that – I know by looking at my pic post two weeks it looks like it’s unrealistic but the truth is it also came from being severely anemic & dehydrated mixed with a little SnapBack lol
. I will continue to work on getting healthy & in shape! Love you guys and happy healing to anyone who just went thru childbirth!