Shabaam Reaches Out

Shabaam Sahdeeq has emailed the majority of webmasters the past week to clear up his status with Rawkus and to confirm that he is still alive and well. After several Rawkus employee’s went as far as going to his house in Brooklyn to find him, he issued this statement two days ago: "This is in […]



has emailed the majority of webmasters the

past week to clear up his status with Rawkus and to confirm that

he is still alive and well.

After several Rawkus

employee’s went as far as going to his house in Brooklyn to find

him, he issued this statement two days ago:

"This is in response

to all the RUMORS, NEWS ARTICLES, PHONE CALLS, ETC!!! I gave Rawkus

every thing a real MC could deliver, lyrics, beats, style, and

dedication. I created the underground buzz it takes to move records

by staying in the lab, doing shows (more promotional than paid),

doing radio / club promotions for the label, and involving myself

with other group projects. My singles, which featured some of

the best MCs in hip-hop, came and went without the proper push,

and they still managed to move in NY, the States and Overseas.

(Call FAT BEATS!!!) I did all of that on my own with minimal support

from the label.After my project

continuously got pushed back, without any explanation or guidance,

I began to feel as if the foundation I helped to build didn’t

prioritize my album that has been finished for almost a year.

There were decisions made without my best interest in consideration.

So in my best interest I decided to depart from the long waiting

list of projects that Rawkus had on their plate.

"I wish Rawkus

well and all my former label-mates success. PLEASE NOTE: THIS