Joyner Lucas And Logic Beef Hits New Lows

(AllHipHop Rumors) Do you never wonder how petty can rap get? I do. Because it sure gets petty. Remember when Pac lied and said he smashed Faith, Biggie’s wife and Bad Boy singer? That wasn’t cool then and its not cool now. Joyner Lucas and Logic are in a “beef” that really seems like broccoli […]

(AllHipHop Rumors) Do you never wonder how petty can rap get? I do. Because it sure gets petty. Remember when Pac lied and said he smashed Faith, Biggie’s wife and Bad Boy singer? That wasn’t cool then and its not cool now. Joyner Lucas and Logic are in a “beef” that really seems like broccoli to me. Subs and slime. Lucas jumped in with this genius idea that he could attack Logic by hollering at his wife. Logic and wife are in the midst of divorce and I am sure that is a really tough space for them to be in at the moment. But Logic couldn’t care.

I guess all’s fair in love and war, but this is neither.