In many ways cyberspace is the new frontier. It allows for unpredictable adventures, it’s wide open, and it’s often lawless. The good, the bad, and the ugly all reside on the internet. recently spoke with the R&B/Soul band named The Internet about some of the things they like, love, and hate about the world wide web. Lead vocalist Syd, producer Matt Martians, and keyboard player Jameel Bruner each offer their thoughts on the positive and negative impact of the internet.
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Matt: The number one best thing about the internet is it connects people together. It connects a lot of different cultures from around the world that have a lot of the same ways of thinking. I can talk to somebody in Japan within 30 seconds. I can send somebody in Japan a song right now.
That connection of people will ultimately be important to the progression of the Earth, because now we can have world consensus when we have a world hurt or world celebration. Before it was a disconnect from the ignorance of not knowing how everybody really felt. And the truth is out there. You can get into some grimy sh*t on the internet. So that’s number one for both. [laughs]
Jameel: The greatest thing on the internet is… I’m not going to say the first thing on my mind. [laughs] All the shenanigans on the internet. All the stuff we send each other, all the memes.
Matt: Memes are number one. You know why? Because memes let you know you’re not the only one thinking this. [laughs]
Syd: Yeah, the memes! [laughs]

Matt: The worst thing on the internet is “well, actually.” You know what “well, actually” is? It’s from people who sit around on Twitter and correct other people on minor things. Like if I put “a lot” as one word, they’re like, “Actually, it’s a-lot.” It’s some dude sitting in his mom’s basement. [laughs]
Syd: Another worst thing is it makes everybody feel like their opinion matters, when it really doesn’t. [laughs] It’s somebody with 30 followers, and if they get two favorites they feel validated.
Matt: Another worst thing – it’s kind of a good thing and a bad thing – is it took away the idea of a celebrity. These people are reachable. If the internet is causing too much of an uproar, these celebrities will reply. Where before if something would happen you wouldn’t really hear about it until the newspapers or tabloids gave public opinion. Now, you have a real-time consensus of what your fans think about you.
Think about it. Drake could be at a game right now, and the camera could be on him. He could be wearing something not even that crazy, but out of nowhere it’s “Drake sucks” because he’s wearing this at a game. That is the wildest sh*t. But it’s great too, because when you have music, it spreads really fast. Everything has a flip-side. Everything that’s great is terrible, and everything that’s terrible is great. The memes are terrible, but they’re amazing. [laughs]
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The Internet’s third studio LP Ego Death is available today. Purchase the album on iTunes and Amazon.
Follow The Internet on Twitter @intanetz.
Stream Ego Death via Rdio below.