(AllHipHop News) Hip Hop artist The Game brought several hundred people together in South Los Angeles to discuss ways to bring peace to the community.
The gathering included appearances by L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, Police Chief Charlie Beck,, Problem, radio host Big Boy, former gang members, activists, and Nation Of Islam preachers.
“You know, it’s like a bus going through the city, a bus of love and a bus of positivity,” said Game . “We want to keep the doors open. We want everybody [to] get on the bus.”
The Documentary album creator documented the event on his Instagram page. Check out The Game’s posts below.
For those who couldn’t get in because of the amazing turn out… We got a huge screen for them to take part in what’s going out out here… It’s beautiful out here today people & together we are going to makes waves in the direction of saving this city & others from the re-occurring plague of death here & worldwide. Be apart of the solution….. I’ll lead the way. #HUNT #LosAngeles
A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 2:04pm PDT
Shout out to all the homies from every Crip, Blood & Mexican gang who came out today in peace to show love & get down with the movement. We might not all be from the same hoods or share the same blood, but we are all brothers with one main thing in common: WE ALL WANT TO LIVE !!!! & today is another positive step in the direction of UNITY…. Thank you all for being apart of this. It’s not about one of us… It’s about ALL OF US !!! #HuntMovement #HelpUniteNationsToday #HATEUSNOTTODAY #HUNTUSNOTTODAY #LosAngeles #LeadTheCharge #FOI #NationOfIslam
A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 4:18pm PDT
We each have to take the initiative to create change within ourselves before we can ask anyone else to do so….. I am responsible for myself & I offer my hand to anybody from anywhere to shake it…… I LOVE ALL MY BROTHERS & I want you to LIVE homie….. If you feel the same way, reach out & extend your hand to someone & let’s alter our futures one person at a time !!!!! I signed it 1st……… The opportunity to save lives is yours too if you want it……. OUR CHILDRENS FUTURE IS AT STAKE #HUNTmovement #LosAngeles #JusticeOrElse #NationOfIslam #CityOfRefuge #UnitedInPeaceFoundation #TheWayToHappiness #Crip #Blood #Ese #CeaseFire #BlackAndBrownPride [TAG SOMEONE IN THIS POST & LET THEM SEE WE ARE TOGETHER & THEIR LIVES MATTER TO US AS WELL] & I WILL ASK EVERYONE BELOW THAT WILL COMMENT NEGATIVELY & HATE…. WHAT THE F### ARE “YOU” DOING TO HELP ???
A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 5:25pm PDT
On behalf of the honorable @LouisFarrakhan Minister Tony Muhammad spoke truth & solidarity here today at the #HUNT gang/community meeting. Another power move by US, as a city unit to bring peace back to our LosAngeles. Truces were made, hands were shook & stories were told…. & most importantly, voices were heard….. WE are onto something & it feels good. The question is not, what has someone else done… The question is, what will YOU do ??? This is OUR FIGHT TOGETHER #UniteAllHoodsAndGangs #LosAngeles #AmericaIsCrying
A video posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 7:10pm PDT
From the desk of Los Angeles’s mayor @ericgarcetti….. This time it’s foreal….. We all have a job to do & it’s to keep each other alive as long as possible !!! Let my city take the lead…… Did he say Crip & Blood ?? ??? keep the positivity going y’all…. We got this one #HUNT #LosAngeles #MayorGarcetti #TonyMuhammad #BigBoysNeighborhood #BlackAndBrown #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #LAwillRise [FOLLOW MY SNAPCHAT: airthuggin]
A video posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 9:18pm PDT
& as I ready myself for bed, I’m here to tell anyone who will read this that I am proud of my city & what we were able to accomplish today. No, we don’t have all the answers at this moment & no we can’t fix it one day…. But what we have done in the last 7 days as a city unit is speaking volumes !!! Thank you to @SnoopDogg, Mayor @ericgarcetti, @problem354, @bigboy, @wack100, @westcoastkam @louisfarrakhan, brother @_rizzaislam, @MinTonyMuhammad & everyone else that played a part in what we are creating here in #LosAngeles to lead our people into a more peaceful future…. It is a selfless movement, with no leader that is geared to save our children from falling victim to the same things that have plagued us for so long. It is easy… All you have to do is spread LOVE.. I’m not asking, I’m begging you & I promise you it’s the only way ! So as you all take it in tonite, know that I LOVE YOU & I want you all to LIVE for as long as possible… meaning, be safe & let’s wake up tomorrow & continue our push to SAVE EACH OTHER’S LIVES……. I care about yours, do you care about mine ??? That is a question we need to ask each other daily… Trust me, you’ll learn that you care a lot more than you thought you did….. Peace be amongst the world, Lord knows we need it…. Goodnight – The Game #HUNT
A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Jul 17, 2016 at 11:20pm PDT
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