Cage: Life Changes

Imagine this: You grow up getting abused by a psychotic father that leads you to numb your pain with drugs. After spending time in a mental institution as a test subject for fluoxetine (an antidepressant), you trade the straitjacket for a microphone, and begin a critically acclaimed—if commercially overlooked—rap career.   That would be a […]

Scarface: “I’m Done”

Envision a desolate warehouse; everything about this building is nondescript. Let’s call this place corporate headquarters. Inside the hollow doors, a blinding spotlight shines down illuminating a wretched assembly line. There is a listless conveyer belt; it whines as it shoves forth prepackaged stereotypes. Container after container whirs by in an overwhelming fury. Within these […]

J2K: Wake Up -The UK Interview

Hailing from east London, J2K has created quite a name for himself in the underground scene. Renowned for his blazing mixtapes, the 26-year-old grime star has been creating ripples in the industry since 2003. Produced by TNT, the now infamous ‘Heat on the Street’ mixtape series made J2K hot property and a stellar feature on […]

Slum Village: United They Stand

Let’s face it. Groups today are a rare and endangered species in Hip-Hop. With every Voltron-united collective comes a natural urge for members to forge a solo path towards their own success, beyond the protective shadow of a former life. Although they have dabbled in outside collaborations and projects, the members of Slum Village remain […]

Dorrough: Walking The Walk

Dorrough is not your ordinary up-and-coming rapper. The rookie is out making a name for himself and gaining success that rivals veterans in the game, and he’s only had a record deal since early this year. The Dallas, TX native already has two char–topping singles back to back under his belt with “Walk That Walk” […]

Royce da 5’9: Lambs to the Slaughter

Lyrical warfare alone rarely captures the public’s imagination. It’s a cold fact that many talented albeit one-dimensional lyricists have had to learn over the course of their careers. But destiny may have a different fate for Royce da 5’9. Instead of regressing, the Detroit native’s work has continuously improved since making his major label debut […]