For the love of Hop-Hop! It looks like Love and Hip-Hop will be coming back. Remember, the cast decided not to show up for a recent shoot. But, they have reportedly settled on the money that the cast will be paid. I guess souls are going for cheap this year. Seriously, I hear some cast members are getting as much as $50 Grand per episode.
Whoa. They are saying that 2 Chainz had to do some street negotiating after that situation at the weed spot.
SIGNS THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END: Insane Naked Drug Addict Terrorizes Subway Women
Seems like Young Jeezy fans (or gang affiliates?) didn’t like what Freddie Gibbs had to say about the Snowman. Word is, he’s been getting death threats.
SEE ALSO: Freddie Gibbs Says Jeezy Wrote Him Off, Calls Him Fake
WTF: Rick Ross chopped it up with Chelsea Clinton? WOW. It was for Samsung’s Hope for Children Gala.

Ross you came up! What! what!
They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about them then they should worry! -illseed.
Illseed, Out.
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