You know, for someone who lives his life between a few different television shows, #SafareeSamuels has a lot of unknowns in his mix. Is he a genuinely a fun-loving good guy or genuinely a full-of-himself jerk? Does he honestly miss his ex or is he ready to move on to the next? (or both??) Is #RealityTV the dream or just part of a scheme? Is he laughing at #MeekMill’s mess or wishing him the best? Does he care about rapping or is this more about thirst-trapping? And will these rhyming descriptions ever end?? THAT ONE we have the answer to. For the rest, including who thought he was #gay,
#HipHop #Music #MC #Meccahnism #BodyBawse #Safaree #LoveAndHipHop #LoveAndHipHopNY #LoveAndHipHopLA #ScaredFamous #MeekMill #NickiMinaj #Podcast #Relationship #Advice #Sex #Threesome #Aries #Taurus #Cancer #SexTape #SafareeVideo