The Ultimate Rap League has threatened Eazy the Block Captain with legal action, alleging the Philly battle rapper breached his contract when he battled Hitman Holla at Remy Ma’s Chrome 23 event in February.
Eazy began making waves in the battle rap scene after participating in URL’s Ultimate Madness tournament back in the summer of 2020. Since then, he battled numerous top-tier opponents, rising to become one of the brightest stars of the new era.
However, in documents obtained by, URL accuses Eazy of breaching his contract to battle Hitman Holla earlier this year. In addition, they also claim Eazy attempted to “poach” their signed or affiliated talent to perform at his The Trenches event last weekend (Jun. 3).
Eazy claimed he got out of his URL contract just hours before his Hitman Holla battle but URL say “his contract remains legally binding.”
The league state Eazy The Black Captain attempted to “persuade other artists to breach their contracts with URL.” They allege he did this “despite the fact that he and his legal counsel were notified not to tortiously interfere with URL’s artists.”
“Anthony Brown (p/k/a Eazy the Block Captain) has been under contract with URL since April 2020. Despite Eazy’s decision to breach his agreement by performing in Chrome23’s February 2023 event, his contract remains legally binding.”
The letter continues, “In addition to breaching his contractual obligations, Brown has tried to persuade other artists to breach their contracts with URL. Indeed, upon announcing his “Trenches” battle rap event, Eazy approached talent signed to or affiliated with URL. He did this, “despite the fact that he and his legal counsel were notified not to tortiously interfere with URL’s artists.”
URL claims they gave Eazy “ample time to modify the card” but instead, he “consciously elected to promote the card with only minor adjustments, transparently using his dispute with URL as a marketing ploy to help promote his event.”
They further state their intention to sue Eazy for damages suffered unless he honors his contract and stops his attempts to hire URL talent.
“The choice is simple: Mr. Brown can either honor the remaining terms of the Agreement
with URL, or he can defend against a lawsuit in which URL will seek to recover the damages it
suffered when Mr. Brown breached his exclusivity obligation by battling Hitman Holla at
Chrome23’s February 25, 2023 anniversary event. Similarly, unless Mr. Brown immediately
ceases interfering with URL’s exclusive talent, URL intends to sue Mr. Brown for his indisputable
tortious interference.”
Read the URL’s entire statement and their demand letter below.