San Diego’s Hip-Hop Police Popped Rapper Tiny Doo, But They Had The Wrong Guy. Now The City Will Pay

After charges of his 2014 attempted murder case were dismissed, the local California emcee receives huge settlement for the emotional trauma sustained in jail.

(AllHipHop News) The City of San Diego is going to cough up some big money for wrongfully arresting and incarcerating two local men for seven months under the city’s uber aggressive gang law.

One of the men knocked was California rapper, Brandon “Tiny Doo” Duncan.

A local emcee, he (38) and Aaron Harvey (31) were included in a ring of 15 others back in 2014 in connection to nine shootings between 2013 and 2014.

Authorities believed that these shootings were linked to the Lincoln Park Gang. It was alleged that Tiny Doo and Harvey were members.

However, according to KPBS, there seems to have been a reversal in position.

Perhaps this comes too late on the city’s part, leaving the San Diego City Council with the “pleasure” of signing off on a $1.475 million settlement to be split between the rapper and his associate.

The two men were ultimately cleared of all charges and will each receive $737,500.

KPBS stated that “Under a 2000 state law, it is a felony to promote, assist or benefit criminal gang activity.”

Those who agree with the law believe like New York’s “Stop and Frisk” policy, it helped to squelch violence in their community. Opponents of this law believe that it is unconstitutional and that it unfairly targets young color.

This is how the emcee got caught out there. His lyrics in his songs, social media posts and personal tattoos made him appear to connect him to the crimes, though a judge in 2015 said that was not enough to convict him and thus all charges were dismissed. reported that the charges were dismissed and when the initial lawsuit was filed.

The two men filed for a civil suit for the emotional damages they suffered while incarcerated, further claiming that San Diego police violated their First Amendment rights during their wrongful incarceration.

The City Council agreed and the settlement was approved 8-0.