(AllHipHop News) T.I. said he is praying for soldiers from Iran and the United States as the two countries prepare for possible war.
The rap star bashed President Donald Trump in a caption of a social media post, in which he has shared a video of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
In the caption, T.I. agreed with the Iranian leader and slammed President Trump as a racist.
T.I. explained that no Iranian leader has ever enslaved him, called him a ni##er, or gunned down black people with no accountability and acted as if nothing happened.
The rapper added that he will pray for Iranian soldiers just as he is praying for American soldiers.
The post received many comments and triggered a huge debate on social media.
T.I.’s comments come in the wake of a U.S. strike outside Baghdad airport that killed Qassim Suleimani, an Iranian Commander.
The drone strike is said to have been authorized by President Donald Trump.
U.S. officials are in high alert for potential retaliatory attacks from Iran on American interests and allies.