You know once you get famous, all of your dirty little secrets come flying out of the closet! Well, Chrissy Lampkin’s closet door has been flung open and the secrets that are spilling out read like a Terri Woods book.
The rumor mill is saying that the future Mrs. Jim Jones (they got engaged on the show last night), used to date Jay-Z….and we use the term “date” very loosely on this one. The two allegedly dated when Jay-Z was 23.
Hmmm, we wonder if this Jay-Z lyric in the track “Allure” could be about Chrissy?
“And all the Laura’s of the world I feel your pain/to all the Chrissy’s in every city and Tiffany Lanes.”
In other Chrissy dirt, we mean news…. The “Diary of a Hollywood Street King” claims to have gotten a letter detailing Chrissy’s shady background, including participating in several credit card schemes, dating three NY Knicks players, getting her front teeth knocked out by her dough boy ex for robbing him of $32K, and dating legendary Harlem drug kingpin, Alpo Martinez. Sheesh! (Side note: They made a movie on Alpo’s life called Paid In Full, where Cam’ron plays Alpo. Dude was real ruthless. Read below for the full story:

From Diary of a Hollywood Street King
Chrissy has been hustling since she was 15 years old. She’s now 42, and she’s been using her p*ssy to get Gucci and gold.
Chrissy and her crew were involved in different crimes like credit card schemes, shoplifters, mules from NYC to D.C. They were setting up dudes to get robbed. Chrissy has dated dope boys like the infamous drug kingpin Alpo Martinez and his partner Rich Porter also three New York Knick players. She even slept with Jay Z when he was 23 years old.
Chrissy’s last trick/sponsor/boyfriend cheated on her with a popular video hoe. Chrissy decided to rob him for $32,000 then she ran to Miami to shop and have fun on his dime. Then dude and his crew tracked Chrissy down. The Nicca knocked out her front teeth and in return Chrissy had her peeps send him a message that if he does not pay for her dental bill and buy her breast implants he’s going to get hit with the Rico Act. Dude paid all Chrissy’s bills and that was the end of her and street dudes.
Chrissy took her skills to reality television hoping her broke rapper boyfriend will help her to continue to live a easy lifestyle.