Hip-Hop Rumors: Suge Knight Detained By Cops? Gucci’s Fail!

DISCLAIMER:   All content within this section is pure rumor and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have whispered in our ear. Read on. THE DAILY CONTRAST YOO!!!!! Does Jay-Z have some sort of “hater sense?” Every time Beanie disses him, Jay-Z is seen doing something incredibly big. I’m not picking […]



All content within this section is pure rumor

and generally have no factual info outside of what the streets have

whispered in our ear. Read on.



Does Jay-Z have some sort of “hater sense?” Every time Beanie disses him, Jay-Z is seen doing something incredibly big. I’m not picking sides, but its strange. The contrast between Jay-Z and his “billionaire breakfast” and Beanie dissing him at the State Property concert is incredible. I think Beanie needs to get back to making good music. Forget Jay. He’s going to do what he’s destined to do. Beans is WAY too dope top be preoccupied with Jay. Wow.


I have a rock solid source that Suge Knight was detained by the police out in California –for what, I don’t know. All that I really know is that he was taken in around an area called Gardenia and has yet to be formally arrested. I wonder if this has anything to do with that Yukmouth stuff? Remember “they” said Suge took his chain to pay up on a debt? Hmmmmm…….well…we’ll see!


I know Gucci was in jail for a spell, but it wasn’t that long! What in the world is he doing with these g### glasses on? Goodness. You would think he was away for 10 years like Shyne.

I have some personal biz to tend to, but I have some good stuff later on. GUCCI’S GLASSES WE LOVE YOU!!!

They keep us talking, but if we stop talking about

them then they should worry!


WHO: illseed.com

WHAT: Rumors

WHERE: AllHipHop.com, MySpace.com/TheIllseed

HOW: Send your rumors and ill pics to illseed at allhiphoprumors@gmail.com.