Damn. Things just ain’t the same for white girls. Back in the day, they would get anything they wanted: food, money, houses, cornrows, Black men. Anything! Well. The times have changed. So, you can imagine the commotion that has been caused when Jay-Z curves a defenseless lil girl? LOL!
So, people are waiting for Jay and he obliges most of them. They have various items for him to sign and he signs them. I can’t see exactly what all those items were, but one person came up with her own THANG and was immediately rejected. Now, you would think that since it was a little white girl that Jigga would oblige her, but he was ruthless. He completely curved the girl that brought a baseball to the signing frenzy. I don’t know what made her bring a baseball to Jay Z, but it failed miserably. She should’ve tried a piece of paper or even a microphone if she wanted to be clever. Now she is a viral sensation for all the wrong reasons. Hopefully they get her counseling because I am sure that this curvature is a very hurtful moment in her short life.
Jay-Z once said he made the Yankee hat more famous than the Yankees. That makes him a default Yank. LOL!
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