(AllHipHop Rumors) T.I. set off a firestorm of mansplaining controversy when he told a podcast that he gets her hymen checked!
Before we continue, let us confirm EXACTLY what Tip said:
“So I say, ‘Look doc, she don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bike, she don’t play no sports. Just check the hymen please and give me back my results expeditiously. I think that most kids in hindsight, looking back, they always thank their parents for not allowing them to damage themselves as much as they could have.”
The rapper says this is his right as a parent and also in the best interest of his child. Now, his daughter is a recent high school graduate and 18-years old.
Anyway, T.I.’s daughter has not said a lot, but she did do something. She “liked” a few comments that disparaged or disagreed with her daddy checking up on her privates like that.

So, she is definitely sending a message here, but she is also wants her inheritance money as well! LMAO!!
I have seen a number of people talking about this and there are views and opinions on both sides of the matter. I think there’s something to be said from those who agree and those that disagree.
Where is Tiny in all of this? I would certainly like to know.