Last Friday, February 2, 2013, I was making plans to attend an event in Harlem, when I heard about a benefit in Danbury, CT that caught my attention. There was a hip hop chick named Jass Bianchi that was putting on a show to benefit the EMT’s and first responders from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in December of 2012. I was unaware of the problems that were being suffered by these noble men and women. PTSD has been an issue acquired from the abhorrent sights that they were witness to on that horrific day. So, Jass Bianchi decided to get involved and create a benefit to both support these workers and to raise awareness about their plight. After hearing about the wonderful thing Miss Bianchi was doing with her platform, I felt it was only right to use mine to bring the same type of awareness and to attend the event.
The artists she had lined up were all there to share in the sentiment of the evening, which was doing something good for those who do amazing things for the rest of us in society. The show was eclectic with all genre’s of hip hop represented including Ms. Bianchi’s own dope group HOli MOli who took the stage later on in the evening. My personal favorites were Blacastan and Political Animals. I was truly impressed with all three acts as their flows were sick and the music was on point.
But that wasn’t all, there were also break dancers and graph artists, and the principals of Hip Hop were all represented thoroughly! The food upstairs was great and bottom line it was a good time for everyone in attendance.

I got a chance to speak with Jass Bianchi and ask what her motivation was for putting the event together and she said, “I went to Sandy Hook Elementary School, and was raised 3 minutes up the street. Their nurse came over to family parties, my father spoke to the father of the only child who survived the day after, my childhood best friend’s brother was the one falsely arrested as the second gunman and my high school friend is a teacher there. As you can see, the tragedy literally hit home for me. I needed to do something! I truly felt specifically for the first responder EMT’s and my mom served on their board when I was younger. Not only that but they volunteer to help others on a daily basis! To throw this event was an honor. I’d also like to thank Pam Janutolo of Asbestos Records, Mark Minnock and Mark Boisvert of MEB Cinema for all of their generous time and effort!”
I asked Jass what she thought about the way the night came together and she said she thought, “The overall feeling was beautiful! I was surrounded by positive energy the whole night. Classmates I haven’t seen in a mad long time were there supporting for the cause. I went from discussing stage time and recording details to reminiscing about girl’s nights and the good times we had growing up. The Chief and assistant Chief of Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corp were there supporting us all along and laughing with my mom on the side.”
Personally, I’m glad that I attended the event and if you are interested in helping, they are selling the CD/DVD performance of the concert online or you can make a donation at so check it out!