Jeezy and Jeannie Mai

At 42 years old, Jeezy’s wife, TV personality, and fashionista Jeannie Mai crept onto our radar when she started dating the trap king. What seemed at first to be an odd coupling, she with her Bay area swag and he rooted in the red clay of Atlanta, proved to be a match made in Hip-Hop heaven.
Her long dark brunette locs simply shape her perfectly painted face and brushes her
shoulder with sleek elegance. Her style is simple but fashionable. Her ability to
communicate through her talk show The Real’s platform has shown her to be a woman
with sensitivity and power. And that is exactly what Jeezy needed, a woman with an edge and a level of sophistication to expand not just his social horizon but his access to the bag. Upgrade number one: The Snowman is now a full-fledged host of his own show, Worth a Conversation With Jay “Jeezy” Jenkins on Fox Soul.