In the early 2000s, the popular sitcom “Two and a Half Men” was one of the top shows on the small screen. Sandwiched between Jon Cryer and Charlie Sheen, he learned the rigorous schedule of an actor on a network show — and grew into himself as a young man. By the time he turned 17 in 2010, his hard work (and the success of the show) made him the highest-paid child star in television with a whopping $7.8 million over two seasons.
After leaving the show, he went to college and studied Jewish studies. He relied on the skills he learned from all these experiences to explore a new career as an executive. In 2015, he partnered with friend Justin Combs, heir to the Bad Boy legacy, and Kene Orijoke to launch a multimedia/ event planning service called “Tonite.”
Now, he is living his life gingerly as an amateur photographer and IG influencer.