There was a time when the future for brothers Larry and Kenny appeared bleak and hopeless.
The early days of Hip-Hop and New York City collided in an unlikely, but game-changing way. In his new book, “My Brother’s Name Is Kenny: The Greatest True Hip-Hop Story Ever Told,” the DJ for Boogie Down Productions chronicles his life coming up well before the Golden Era of Hip-Hop. His pathway is a wild ride and it happens to include another legend, one of the greatest living lyricists KRS-One. Despite growing up impoverished, these two brother’s managed to overcome the odds of homelessness, violence, drugs and more.
Parker is a college graduate that went in a totally different direction than his older brother, KRS-One. Now, Author Kenny Parker talks to Chuck “Jigsaw” Creekmur about this amazing new book in frank, honest ways that product numerous revelations. Take a look at the interview and go to school in an unique reality in Hip-Hop’s ever-expanding multiverse.
Click here to buy “My Brother’s Name Is Kenny: The Greatest True Hip-Hop Story Ever Told.”