
Hip-Hop Rumors: Lil’ Webbie Being Accused of Murder??!!!

This is a pretty shaky rumor, being that it comes from the folks over at Media TakeOut.com, so take this one with a grain of salt. The online gossip rag is reporting that Alabama police are currently investigating southern rapper Lil’ Webbie for murder! Below is what they’re saying:

According to a TOP SNITCH, a man was MURDERED outside CLUB PRIMETIME, at a WEBBY concert held at the Dothan, Al club. According to reports, a fight popped off INSIDE THE CLUB and spilled outside, where the victim was shot and killed.

According to MediaTakeOut.com’s insider police SPOKE TO WITNESSES and that led them to CALL IN WEBBY FOR QUESTIONING . . . at the COUNTY JAIL. It’s not clear whether Webby was ever allowed to leave.  Developing . . .

We’ll let you know if we hear anything else regarding this rumor. For Webbie’s sake, I hope its not true….we definitely don’t want another Lil’ Boosie situation on our hands.

Source: MediaTakeOut.com

SWV In Studio With Jazze Pha; Planning New Album

(AllHipHop News) Popular 90s R&B group SWV has announced they are working on a new album titled I Missed Us, which is due for release in April eOne Music/Mass Appeal Entertainment.

The women are in the studio with producer Jazze Pha and Brian M. Cox, who are both contributing production to the album.

The first single from the album is titled “Co-Sign,” which was produced by Lamb.

“It’s a great feeling to be back recording together again! Something special always happens when we come together,” the ladies said in a joint statement issued today (January 23).

SWV, which consists of group members Coko, Lelee and Taj, released their debut album It’s About Time in 1992.

That album alone consisted of hit singles like “I’m So Into You, “Right Here,” “Downtown,” “Weak” and “You’re Always On My Mind.”

I Missed Us will be released April 10, 2012 on eOne Music/Mass Appeal Entertainment.

Rapper Dee-1: Why Voting in 2012 is Job #1 for the Hip-Hop Nation

Rapper Dee-1 has seen his fair share of people trying to make it through hard times. As a native of New Orleans, he saw firsthand how Hurricane Katrina changed his community forever in just a matter of hours. As a former educator, he knows the importance of teaching at-risk, young people how to build a foundation for a successful future. And, as a Black man in America, he knows that the odds are stacked high against his community and the students he tried to reach.

In 2012, Dee-1 and others like him are committing their names and voices to help mobilize urban young people to exercise one of their most precious rights – the right to VOTE. On the eve of #Barack Talk, a State of the Union watch party and discussion event in Washington, D.C., panelist Dee-1 recorded this video message to help spread the word about why casting your ballot still matters:

About #BarackTalk:

On Tuesday, January 24, AllHipHop.com will partner with national non-profit organization, The League Of Young Voters Education Fund and Rock The Vote for the second annual #BarackTalk, a State of the Union round table discussion and watch party. The event will broadcast live from Busboys and Poets, one of our capitol’s cultural hotspots, at 5th and K in Washington, D.C. at 7:30 p.m. EST.

#BarackTalk will kick off with a series of panel discussions about the biggest issues facing Millennial before the 2012 presidential election. The party begins when President Barack Obama starts his fourth State of the Union address, and will conclude with analysis and discussion by some of the best and brightest minds in entertainment and politics.

Panelists include Goldie Taylor, leading news correspondent at TheGrio.com (MSNBC); Chuck Creekmur, influential urban entertainment journalist and co-founder of AllHipHop.com; Andreas Hale of TheWellVersed.com; rappers Dee-1 and Rhymefest; Shaheem Reid, Editor-At-Large of XXL; and Michael Skolnick, Political Director of GlobalGrind.com.

Daily Word: Don’t Take It Personal!!!

Happy Monday, my Glorious Great Ones!

Welcome to the best week of the rest of your life! What’s done is done, and what’s to come is yet to be seen! Take control of Today, because that is the only thing you know for sure. Today’s Daily Word is dedicated the opinions, thoughts, and criticism of others! 

Opinions are like iPhones, Everyone has them! As you go through life on your quest to be great, there are going to be many people who think they know what’s better for you than you! There are people who are going to swear you are going in the wrong direction! There are people who are going to have unfavorable opinions of you! Who cares?!!

What others say and think of you is none of your business! Stop taking things so personally! People’s thoughts are based on their reality! If someone doesn’t believe in what you are doing, it says absolutely nothing about what you are doing! Let people be critical!! This is your life to live! Live it the best way you know how, and don’t fall for the distractions! You are on the right road…. The only thing you have to do is keep going!

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

“Why worry about what people think of us – do we have more confidence in their opinions than in our own?” -Unknown

“Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream.  -Don Miguel Ruiz

“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” -Abraham Lincoln

“When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” -Don Miguel Ruiz

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it isn’t ridiculously absurd.” -Bertrand Russell

“Never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions you have no respect.” -Edward Gibbon

“There are two rules in life: Rule #1: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule #2: Everything is small stuff.” -Finn Taylor


Ash’Cash is a Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Financial Expert and the author of Mind Right, Money Right: 10 Laws of Financial Freedom. For more information, please visit his website, www.IamAshCash.com.

Sundance Film Fest Documentary Inspires New Song From Mary J. Blige

(AllHipHop News) A new documentary at this year’s Sundance Film Festival will receive a well-known co-sign, courtesy of Hip-Hop Soul queen, Mary J. Blige.

The Associated Press reports the singer is lending her support to The Invisible War, a documentary that examines the trauma suffered by female and male victims of rape at the hands of their military colleagues and the difficulty they have in prosecuting their attackers. Blige was on hand Friday (January 20) for the film’s premiere at Sundance.

Amy Ziering, the film’s producer, confirmed Blige’s involvement, telling the AP that the vocalist would write an original song for the film after the Sundance festival. The new song will join another tune from the Grammy winner, “Need Someone,” which is featured in the closing credits of The Invisible War.

“Need Someone” is taken from Blige’s latest album, My Life II… The Journey Continues (Act 1).  

News of Blige’s original song marks the latest soundtrack entry for the songstress, who was recently nominated for a Golden Globe award for her song, “The Living Proof.” The Underdogs-produced track is included in the film, The Help.

Slavery is Back in Effect: Rap, Race and Republicans

“Racism was here but they didn’t take it seriously, and they said that I was crazy.” – Final Solution, Sister Souljah

The auditorium was packed with reporters as the Republicans held their recently televised “Hip-Hop debate,” where they gathered to decide what to do with poor Black and Latino youth. Some of the suggestions were putting African Americans back on plantations and deporting all Latinos to Mexico. It was the most highly rated show of the week but since Nicki Minaj was scheduled to make a guest appearance on “Love & Hip Hop” that night, most of the ‘hood missed it….

While most of Hip-Hop has been focused on the beef between Common and Drake, or the birth of Jay and Beyonce’s baby girl, the Republican presidential candidates have been waging their traditional war against the poor. Let’s keep it real. No matter who wins the 2012 election, Blue Ivy Carter is gonna be good. However, chances are you won’t be. There are plans being made to have you back pickin’ cotton while rappin’ “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.”

Although, the Republicans may go in on each other in debates, what they have in common is their hatred of the ‘hood. Recently, news sources have reported on Ron Paul’s newsletters that contained articles that dissed Black people. How Rick S#######, allegedly, said that Black folks were down with OPM (spending Other People’s Money.) Not to mention the OG “angry white man” himself, Newt “Gangsta” Gingrich, suggesting that poor kids should pick up brooms and become school janitors. (Picture Lil Tyrone and Lakesha walking around the high school gym with a mop and bucket singin’ “It’s a Hard Knock Life.”)

But when you try to put Newt and the boys on blast, they start braggin’ about how they are the “party of Lincoln” and are really our homies.


Because they think that most of us can’t read, they are able to con the people into believing half truths and straight up lies. But as The DOC said back in the day, “I am not illiterate, no , not even a little bit.” So it’s time to pull the sheets off of ’em.

In reality, Abraham Lincoln never freed anybody, as he only gave lip service to the problem by “freeing” slaves during the Civil War in areas where he had no control. He was also no friend of Black people. According to Lerone Bennet in his work, Forced into Glory, Lincoln said repeatedly that he was a White supremacist, and that he wanted to deny Blacks equal rights because of their race.” Not quite the Honest Abe you read about in history books, huh?

Also, it must be noted that it was a Republican that sold Black folks out and ended Reconstruction. The Reconstruction Era ended when, in 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes made a deal to remove troops from the Southern States so that he could become president (The Hayes-Tildan Compromise). Thus, unleashing an era of terror on the recently emancipated Black folks.

It is a historical fact that African Americans did not start gravitating towards the Democratic Party until the 1930’s, with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” which, according to Dr. John Hope Franklin in From Slavery to Freedom, “gave many a sense of belonging that they had never experienced before.” And even after that, the southern Dixiecrats were notorious for being anti-Black.

However, the biggest sham the Right Wingers pull off is the play-on-words. The real enemy of poor and oppressed communities is a “conservative political ideology” (not a specific political party) that has been bounced around between both parties but is now in the hands of the Republicans. Since, according to Webster’s dictionary,  “conservative” means “tending to preserve established institutions,” they are trying to keep the balance of power in this country in the hands of old rich, White men who do nothing but play golf all day and tell Negro jokes. They have been determined to conserve power by any means necessary and those means have been ugly, especially in recent history.

According to Cleveland Sellars in The River of No Return, in 1968, Republican Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon “ran for the presidency on a barely disguised ‘repress n**** and other malcontents platform’ and the streets ran red with blood immediately after he took office.” 

Beginning with the era of Reaganomics,  Hip-Hop ran head on with the Right Wing. As early as 1984, Melle Mel rapped on “Jesse” that, “They want a stronger nation at any cost/Even if it means everything will soon be lost.” The run-in that  Tupac Shakur had with Conservatives in the early ’90s is a part of Hip-Hop history. What is interesting is that one of the architects of the Right Wing Rap Attack, Bill Bennett was quoted years later suggesting that one way to lower the crime rate would be to “abort every Black baby.”

Also, while most of the Hip-Hop Nation was focused on the East Coast/West Coast beef during the mid-’90s, Newt Gingrich and the Right Wing were staging a Republican Revolution to “take back America.”

One of the tools that the Conservatives have successfully used are the scare tactics where they either tried to convince Molly in Iowa that a big, Black boogie man was waiting in the bushes to get her (the Willie Horton ads). Or convince 8th grade drop out,  Billy Bob in Alabama that the reason he couldn’t get a job was because some lazy “minority” took it (Jesse Helm’s “white hands ad”).

So, in 2012, we see history repeating itself. Same dirty tricks; different day.

While the feasibility of voting really helping the ‘hood is debatable, being ignorant of current events isn’t.

Like KRS said on “The Mind,” “Whether you know it or not/ You’re deep in politics/ All inside of it/ In fact, you’re the issue…”

“Don’t let this government, diss you.”

TRUTH Minista Paul Scott’s weekly “This Ain’t Hip Hop” is a column for intelligent Hip Hop Headz. His website is NoWarningShotsFired.com  Reach him at info@nowarningshotsfired.com or on Twitter (@truthminista).

Luke To Reunite With 2 Live Crew for Summer Tour

(AllHipHop News) Miami rap pioneer Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell is hitting the road this summer with his former group, 2 Live Crew.

The entertainer/activist expressed his excitement over the tour this past weekend, while confirming that 2 Live Crew has reunited.

The announcement came as Campbell promoted his appearance in the short film, The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke, at the Sundance Film Festival.

Described by Campbell as “an art piece” he contributed to in order to help young filmmakers who were inspired by his Hip-Hop work, the film acknowledges the rapper’s rise to fame while changing the face of Hip-Hop and fighting for First Amendment rights.

Campbell eventually becomes the mayor of Miami in the independent feature and has to deal with being the only survivor left unscathed after his city becomes a radioactive wasteland filled with mutants following a nuclear meltdown.

Despite being at the festival to tout The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke, the rap star admitted he “just can’t wait to just start practicing” with his reunited crew, and he added that 2 Live Crew will “perform the songs and everybody’s going to be excited.”

“Some of the older people of our generation will be able to tell their kids, ‘You’re staying home tonight, we’re going to see 2 Live Crew and shake our booty!’,” Campbell told the Associated Press.

2 Live Crew is best known for its raunchy lyrics and controversial 1989 album, As Nasty As They Wanna Be.

The release, which featured the hit single “Me So Horny,” generated headlines over a court case centering on its obscene content.

The case was ultimately overturned by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit as the offering became the first album to be labeled legally obscene.

Campbell has since gone on to release a string of solo albums as well as run for political office.

Last year, the Florida rapper ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Miami-Dade County.

Campbell is currently serves as executive spokesman for Progressive Care Inc., a leading provider of prescription pharmaceuticals that focuses on long-term care and medical equipment.

Kid Cudi Trashes Stage in Australia After Performance Cut Short

(AllHipHop News) Rapper Kid Cudi trashed an Australian concert stage after his performance at The Heatwave Music Festival was cut short, according to reports.

Cudi became frustrated when he was unable to perform his hit songs “Pursuit Of Happiness,” “Day n Night,” “Memories” and others.

According to ToneDeaf.com.au, the rapper knocked over lights and speakers on stage before exiting to the crowds dismay.

Despite Cudi’s outrage, many concert goers would agree that the tantrum was warranted as the Heatwave Festival in Melbourne, Australia received thousands of complaints online about number of issues ranging from the festival not having ATMs, to the venue not carrying alcohol.

Complaints from attendees also included general admission ticket holders being granted access into the VIP areas, the premium front-row seats having no view of the stage due to the location of the speaker stacks, and artists failing to show up to meet and greets.

The Cleveland bred rapper’s set was further complicated when his guitarists were allegedly told by security they couldn’t come on stage despite having full artist credentials.

Cudi’s set wasn’t the only one that was cut short, as Kansas City rapper Tech N9ne’s set was cut from 90 minutes to 50 minutes, since the festival started 3 hours late from its scheduled 2:30 start time.

Refunds are currently being issued to those who paid for the meet and greet according to Ticketek.

Kid Cudi has not Tweeted nor was he available for comment at the time of print.

Drake Performs for Sundance Film Festival Attendees

(AllHipHop News) Drake performed for Sundance Film Festival patrons last night, despite being nearly three hours tardy to the show due to blizzard-like conditions in Park City, Utah.

Drake finally appeared and started the night off with “Up All Night” and segued to his first verse on “Forever,” at which point he introduced Toronto-based DJ Future the Prince.

An apologetic Drake told the crowd he was late due to a six-hour plane delay.

Drake performed medley of hits for the crowd, including “Show Me a Good Time,” “Make Me Proud,” “I’m On One,” “She Will,” “Marvin’s Room” and others.

The rapper also poured drinks for fans in between songs to make up for his lateness.

Drake closed out his set rapping songs from the RIAA Certified Platinum Take Care.

“Ring The Alarm” Producer/Pioneering Reggae Artist Winston Riley Dies Of Gunshot Wounds

(AllHipHop News) A producer who created an often sampled reggae song died from gunshot wounds over the weekend, in the West Indies.

Producer Winston Riley had been hospitalized since November, after he was shot in the head in his upscale residence in St. Andrew, Jamaica.

Prior to being shot in the head in November, Riley was targeted in August of 2011 when he was shot by unknown assailants.

Before that incident, he was stabbed by and unknown arsonists also burned down his legendary record store, Techniques.

Riley was born in West Kingston and rose to prominence in the early to mid 1960’s, as a member of influential Ska/Rocksteady band, The Techniques.

He was also influential in the popularization of Reggae music throughout Europe with hits in the 1970’s.

By the 1970’s, Riley was producing early records for a genre of music that would later be identified as Dancehall music.

He produced several hits for the genre including Tenor Saw’s classic “Ring the Alarm,” while artists like Nas, OGC, Busta Rhymes, Biz Markie, Slick Rick and numerous others have sampled his work.

Riley’s son told local media thy he had no idea why his father had been targeted.

At press time, police have no suspects or motives in any of the incidents.


Rockie Fresh Set to Drop “Driving 88”, Releases Tracklist and Artwork

(AllHipHop News) While the anticipation builds for Rockie Fresh’s next release Driving 88, which is set to drop Monday (January 23), Rockie is gearing up for a few shows that will also feature Wale.

Driving 88 is Rockie Fresh’s follow up to his previous project The Otherside and features Casey Veggies, Phil Ade, and King Louie.

Rockie recorded the album over the course of the past year.

During that time, he was in and out of sessions with Good Charlotte, Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy, and more.

But now, Rockie is finally ready to share his latest creation.

The project is inspired by a long year on the road, a trek that allowed him to meet new people, make new fans, and learn from various experiences.

Rockie hopes to inspire, as much as he has been inspired in the process.

Below are a few tour dates planned with Wale, in addition to the official artwork and track listing:

1/26 Chicago, IL Reggies Rock Club (Release Show)
1/31 Wichita, KS The Cotilion (w/ Wale)
2/01 Omaha, NE Sokol Hall (w/ Wale)
2/02 Des Moines, IA Val Air Ballroom (w/ Wale)
2/09 Iowa City, IA Blue Moose (w/ OCD)

Hip-Hop Rumors: Has Amber Rose Leaked An Explicit Photo of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian???!!

A few weeks ago, Amber Rose confessed to the world via a tabloid interview, that Kanye West was cheating on her with Kim Kardashian. Amber reveled that she had proof of the affair. Here’s what Amber told TMZ:

“I know what the truth is, she knows what the truth is, Reggie [Bush] knows what the truth is and so does Kanye. … I have solid proof, I just don’t want to take it there.”

Well, here we are a few weeks later, and we ain’t saying it was Amber, but someone has provided Media Take Out.com with, in their words, “A NEKKID pic of Kanye West .. .. giving BACKSHOTS to a CELEBRITY!!! “ Below is what Media Take Out.com printed about the photos:

“We confirmed that the pic is indeed AUTHENTIC. And the woman in the pic . . . well we ain’t just yet. But let’s just say that when you find out WHO it is that Kanye was FREAKIN OFF . . . you’re jaw will fall ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR!!! We’ll reveal shortly . . . Developing . . . “(Media Take Out)

Click here to see the very explicit photo.

I can’t tell if that’s Kanye, but that sure does look like Kim K’s famous rump. What do you think?

Source: Media Take Out.com

Hip-Hop Rumors: Is Juelz Santana Going to Be a Father Again???!!!

We got a sneak peak of tomorrow’s “Love & Hip Hop” finale, and in the clip, Juelz Santana’s baby mama, Kimbella, confesses to her family that she’s pregnant! 

Knock a video h*e up once, shame on her; knock her up TWICE, SHAME ON YOU, JUELZ!! I kid, I kid. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Click on the link to see the clip — Kimbella Confesses She’s Pregnant!

Hip-Hop Rumors: Did Fat Joe and His Wife Split Up???!!!

Well, it looks like another married couple bites the dust. The YBF.com is exclusively reporting that Fat Joe and his wife Lorena have split up after 17 years together. According to a source close to Lorena, Fat Joe started feeling himself a little too much after his recent weight loss and began cheating on her.

Lorena discovered a gang of text messages on Joe’s phone and also received confirmation from one of Joe’s homeboys. The source says Joe’s “homeboy” sent her a pic of Joe and his new boo thang, a 26-year-old chick from Dubai, who goes by the name “Ms. Dubai.” She resides in Miami – where Joe, Lorena, and their 5-year-old daughter live as well. And Joe has supposedly flown her to several places with him, and even brought her out in public to parties and such.

I don’t think Joe and Lorena were actually legally married. Either way, I hate to see a long-term relationship come to an end. It looks like Joe lost some brain cells along with all that weight!

Source: The YBF.com

Hip-Hop Rumors: Did G-Unit’s DJ Whoo Kid Almost Get Stabbed Over a 50 Cent Record???!!!

G-Unit’s DJ Whoo Kid recently revealed how Suge Knight set him up to get poked for putting an unreleased 2Pac verse onto 50 Cent’s track “The Realest Killaz”. Apparently, Suge set up a fake DJ’ing gig at a Los Angeles club so he could get the 34th street gang to put hands on the DJ.

Check out some exerps from DJ Whoo Kid’s interview with Thisis50.com:

“Suge Knight took it upon himself to ‘find me’ that day — the promoter got tricked, too. The promoter gave me the five G’s and once I got to the stage, of course, at the time ‘In Da Club’ was the biggest record, so of course the first record I played was ‘In Da Club.’ So as soon as I played ‘In Da Club,’ the whole club turned and looked at me…[then] the promoter came up to me and was like, ‘We gotta get you out of here — Suge Knight’s in the front.

“We’re trying to call the cops so he don’t come in, but he wants to come in’ [Then] we started running out the back, I’m jumping in the van, and then for some reason – I don’t know where, but [affiliate] C-Lo got the dirtiest looking gun I ever seen in my life, so I’m looking up and I see the 34th Street Gang running up to us with knives, so I’m like, ‘Holy sh*t, I’m about to get stabbed for some 50 sh*t!’ I’m like, ‘Yo, get the gun!’ By the time [C-Lo] grabs it…the police come — [C-Lo] throws the gun all the way to the back of the van. The cops grab the 34th Street Gang, and we peel off.”

Check out the video below:

Wow, he said Sha Money XL fainted!!! Suge was a scary dude back in the day. I think I would have fainted, too!!!