EXCLUSIVE: VV$ Diamond Claims BossMan Dlow Got Her Pregnant During Wild Threesome

VV$ Diamond and Bossman DLow

VV$ Diamond confirmed she’s pregnant with BossMan DLow’s baby after someone stole her phone and leaked private details.

Rising artist VV$ Diamond confirmed she’s carrying BossMan DLow’s baby following a series of strange events. The news came to light after her phone was stolen at a club in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Sensitive information, including messages and private photos, was leaked to a blog, forcing VV$ Diamond to address the situation publicly in an interview with AllHipHop.

VV$ Diamond, known for her recent string of records, including her latest, “Industry Freak,” had been working relentlessly on her music career, but her private life was thrust into the spotlight after the phone theft incident last weekend.

The situation unfolded during a day party at XO Lounge in Greensboro, where VV$ Diamond had been enjoying herself with friends.

However, within a matter of minutes, her phone was taken from her booth and by the next day, she was being blackmailed for $20,000.

“The vibes were cool at first, but I noticed some girls acting shady when I walked in,” she told AllHipHop. “Next thing I know, my phone is gone, and within 24 hours, someone was blackmailing me with personal content.”

The phone theft, which initially seemed like an unfortunate mishap, became a much more serious problem, when private messages between VV$ Diamond and BossMan DLow surfaced.

The two had been in a secret relationship, which began after a series of chance encounters in North Carolina. They’d met backstage at a concert in Greensboro, and their relationship quickly escalated.

“We started talking after his show in Greensboro, and a couple of months later, we linked up in Charlotte,” VV$ Diamond explained. “I pulled up to his room, and we ended up having a threesome. That’s how it all started.”

While the relationship remained private for several months, VV$ Diamond discovered she was pregnant after passing out at the Empire BET brunch during the BET Awards weekend in Los Angeles. Initially, she wasn’t sure how to handle the situation.

“I wasn’t really in the mindset of having another baby,” she admitted. “I already have a three-year-old, and I didn’t want more problems or to be tied down with another baby daddy situation.”

VV$ Diamond reached out to BossMan DLow to discuss the pregnancy and they initially agreed to get an abortion.

However, things took a different turn after the phone theft exposed their relationship to the public. VV$ Diamond’s stolen messages and private photos were leaked to a blog, creating a media frenzy and forcing her to confront the issue head-on.

BossMan DLow, on the other hand, reacted with skepticism, claiming that the leaked messages were fake and that VV$ Diamond was trying to sabotage him. His response left VV$ Diamond feeling betrayed.

“It was weird for him to say that,” she said. “I didn’t leak the messages, and I didn’t have to. I could have exposed him months ago, but I didn’t. Out of respect for how much I messed with him, I kept it quiet.”

Despite the initial agreement to terminate the pregnancy, VV$ Diamond has decided to keep the baby, primarily influenced by her family’s beliefs. Her grandmother and other family members, who are against abortion, have convinced her to carry the baby to term.

“My family doesn’t believe in abortions, and they told me they’d support me no matter what,” she explained. “So, I’m going to have this baby. It’s not going to stop me from performing or making music. I’m still going to be out here getting my money.”

As VV$ Diamond prepares for the arrival of her second child, she remains focused on her career and is determined to push through the drama that has surrounded her in recent months.

“This isn’t stopping my motion,” she asserted. “I’m still going to be out here performing and making music. It’s just another obstacle, but I’ll get through it.”

VV$ Diamond’s candidness about the situation has earned her both support and criticism, but she remains unfazed by the public’s reaction.

“People are going to talk about you no matter what, so I don’t really care what they say,” she said. “At the end of the day, this is my life, and I’ve got to defend myself and my reputation.”

The situation between VV$ Diamond and BossMan DLow remains tense, with the two not having spoken since the blog leak. VV$ Diamond is unsure whether they will reconcile, but she’s not ruling it out.

“If he wants to make things right, that’s up to him,” she said. “But I’m not going to play games. He should have never tried to act like it wasn’t real.”

For now, VV$ Diamond is focusing on her future as an artist and mother. With her career on the rise and a baby on the way, she’s ready to face whatever challenges come next.

“This is just a bump in the road,” she said confidently. “I’m still standing and I’m not going anywhere.”