C. Delores Tucker Loses Another Lawsuit

C. DeLores Tucker lost another libel lawsuit yesterday (April 28) after claming two newspapers had falsely reported on her dispute with the estate of Tupac Shakur. Tucker sued Shakur’s estate over the song "How Do You Want It," in which Shakur rhymed Tucker’s last name and called her a "motherf*cker." The 1997 lawsuit claimed that […]

C. DeLores Tucker lost another libel lawsuit yesterday

(April 28) after claming two newspapers had falsely reported on her dispute with

the estate of Tupac Shakur.

Tucker sued Shakur’s estate over the song "How

Do You Want It," in which Shakur rhymed Tucker’s last name and called her

a "motherf*cker." The 1997 lawsuit claimed that the aftermath of that

line resulted in loss of "consortium."

The Philadelphia Daily News and The Legal Intelligencer

were among many media outlets that reported that the loss of "consortium"

meant that Tucker’s sex life had been affected by the song.

Tucker’s lawsuit said that the paper’s misinterpreted

"loss of consortium" and that the charge had nothing to do with her

sex life, but meant "advice, society, companionship and the defendants’

(Shakur) effect upon the ‘family union.’"

A judge ruled the Tucker’s can appeal only if

they can prove the newspapers were told that "loss of consortium"

was not about sex.

C. Delores Tucker, along with a group of other

individuals took on Hip-Hop music in the 1990’s, deeming certain artists’ lyrics

as too profane.