(AllHipHop News) The promoter of a controversial Nicki Minaj concert in Trinidad has spoken out in defense of the pricey concert, which caused friction between members of the government earlier this week. Promoter Daryl Braxton and his independent, Trinidad-based record label D Project Records brought Nicki Minaj over for the concert, which took place on October 8th. The concert draw condemnation from Diego Martin`s Central MP Amery Browne, who called for an audit of the event, which totaled $825,000 including $382,000 to Nicki and her entourage. “People need to understand that the ‘Rep Your Colors/Localize Itt’ concert was not about packing the stadium and making a million dollars for ourselves,” D Project Records’ CEO Daryl Braxton said.“It was a strategic investment in ourselves and our talent,” Braxton added. “Like her or not, Nicki Minaj is ours and not because we claimed her, but because she claimed us as her own! The fact that she’s currently at the top of her game makes it even sweeter.”The concert, which drew headlines around the world, will open the door for other acts from the island according to Braxton, who recently inked a worldwide distribution deal through iMG/Universal Records. “By this time next year, at least four acts from Trinidad and Tobago will have a greater presence in the global music industry,” Braxton told AllHipHop.com in a statement. “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t going to happen. I told Trinidad that we were bringing Nicki Minaj home and we did and as a result of that event and the work we have been doing to promote the acts we signed, we have now secured global distribution and are preparing to take our company to the next level.”D Projects Records has four acts signed to the label they will introduce to the United States throughout 2011. The acts are: Nebula 868, Judah Bharath, Terri Lyons and 3Suns. “When we were able to market and showcase our talent alongside her in a professional manner, that- and the quality of the talent we showcased- attracted even more attention from the major labels outside and now, iMG has come on board to help us take this talent from T&T to the world that’s waiting out there,” Braxton said.The first act to be released in the U.S. under the new deal will be Nebula 868, who is expected to release their full length debut in March. “That single they presented to me called ‘Hello Goodbye’ is huge,” said iMG CEO/Founder, Rick Robinson. “We’re not going to hold it and wait: we’re going to make strong moves and strong decisions and let the system that iMG Recordings has in place work these acts in sequence and establish this brand and this unique culture and style in the market.” For more information visit www.dprojectrecords.com or www.imgrecordings.com.