August Alsina just went out there and said it. The singer, know for being a side nixxa for a well-known actress, is now in an entanglement of a different sort. He was reportedly punched by another singer Tory Lanez. The Canadian is also known as the dude that allegedly put a hot one in Megan Thee Stallion’s foot.
This time, August claims he was attacked at a concert last night and gave the details in vivid form on social media. Check out his account.
As I’m exiting the building after the show last night, A 4’11 sized leprechaun ran down on me w/ 8 oversized security nigxas, whom I greeted each individually upon their walk up as they tried to press me.
Whole time, I’m one deep. No security. Tory continues to ask w/ a broken ego why I didn’t dap him up, I go on to tell him.. I was a fan of him and didn’t understand him speaking on my business publicly In the past, because I don’t know him or ever met him until last night. So when he spoke it caught me off guard because of his past actions, i assumed he didn’t like me, that’s all. Not to mention, with my history of health & condition just recently overcoming being paralyzed, my doctor directed me not to compromise my health while out on road and shake as less hands as possible due to corona, & monkeypox.
Never any disrespectful words were exchanged, so i was a bit confused at how somehow he turnt him self up w/ anger after hitting a blunt laced with cocaine obviously, (i heard the fizzle) and he snuck me when I turned my head to move to the side amongst all his antsy moving and to keep an eye on
the endless n##### that was w/ him surrounding me.
Which was security and some nigxa with a gun tucked… whom he then proceeded to run behind and hide to run back in the building. There was never a “fight”! Simply an Assault. Dude has no real friends, and is on a crash out mission. With that said, I was gone keep it G & not come to the net, but you moving with foul intent feeding falsities to blogs to look for a “moment” c## them moments ain’t happening on stage for u.
I will assist you in that, gracefully. His ppl got the whole thing on camera, PUT. THE. FOOTAGE. OUT!! I’d like to see it 🙂 anyway, leme go clean this blood off my face w/ some @encinawellness
Now, Tory has stated on his own account that he was in the studio and does not know what people are talking about. 👀

I hope he knows that won’t hold up in court if AA decides to take the stand. Also, I am thinking this could hurt TL in his case with Meg. Anyway!
Look at the alleged after affects of the alleged sucker punch.
Not sure why he took the picture like that, but it looks crazy. That’s a strong leprechaun, B.
So, why?
The beef apparently stems from some “shots” Tory took at August over the entanglement with Jada Pinkett Smith a few years go. August probably gave him a frosty vibe and Tory wanted some love from his boy. Anyway, I hope people learn to grown tf up.