Could Monkeypox Be Consider An STD?


Monkeypox is quickly becoming an epidemic and now they are thinking it may become a sexually transmitted disease by default. Peep the latest Sign The World Is Coming To An End by @illseed.


It looks like another “sign the world is coming to an end” is here. Amazingly, we have another pandemic breaking out. No, it is not COVID-19 or AIDS. It is monkeypox. You probably have heard of monkeypox in recent times, because he quickly became a buzz word/disease as it spread. Somehow, they were unable to stop this pending plague. Remember I told you they already passed out vaccines in places like NYC.

But, the worst is already here. They are now saying that monkeypox is about to become a sexually transmitted disease. This means, they have discovered that the looming epidemic is transmitted through 695% of the current cases. So officials are worried that it will become more like gonorrhea or herpes or HIV then something that just passes by us. The World Health Org JUST declared monkeypox a global health emergency!!!

This recent headline stems from a research effort in London, which took 528 confirmed for monkeypox infections from April until June 24. From there, they found out that 98% of the infected individuals were gay or bisexual men. 41% of them had HIV. And the median age was 38.

These people also have multiple sex partners and went to radical places like sex parties/orgies. They also had other symptoms that were sexual in nature two, making them likely to be the highest most vulnerable population ever.

I am not sure that this is indicative of most people. I actually disagree with this report because it seems to suggest that normal people are living such a base and extreme life. The report make sure to clarify that monkey pox is not a true sexually transmitted disease but it is transmitted through close physical contact. There are other ways it can be spread like respiratory drops and clothing and surfaces.

Hopefully this doesn’t become a condemnation of gay or bisexual men as well. And I wonder what the test poor of people was to begin with. Anyway, tell me what you think in the comment section.

Here is some information from WHO:

What you need to know

An outbreak of a disease called monkeypox is happening in some countries where the virus is not typically found. Some of these cases are being found in communities of gay, bisexual and other men who  have sex with men. Transgender people and gender-diverse people may also be more vulnerable in the context of the current outbreak.

Symptoms include: 

  • Rash with blisters on face, hands, feet, eyes, mouth and/or genitals 
  • Fever 
  • Swollen lymph nodes 
  • Headaches 
  • Muscle aches 
  • Low energy 

You can catch monkeypox if you have close physical contact with someone who is showing symptoms. This includes touching and being face-to-face. 

Monkeypox can spread during close skin-to-skin contact during sex, including kissing, touching, oral and penetrative sex with someone who has symptoms. Avoid having close contact with anyone who has symptoms.

Protect yourself and others by: 

  • Isolating at home and talking to a health worker if you have symptoms 
  • Avoid skin-to-skin or face-to-face contact, including sexual contact with anyone who has symptoms 
  • Clean hands, objects, and surfaces that have been touched regularly 
  • Wear a mask if you are in close contact with someone with symptoms