One thing is for sure: Kim Kardashian will get people talking. But, usually it’s about her rear end, however, there’s more. First of all, I have never been a student of anatomy, but I had to look up some things to understand why people were so critical of the reality TV star.
What exactly is a hamstring? I had to look that up. Per the Mayo Clinic, “The hamstring muscles are a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to just below the knee. These muscles make it possible to extend the leg back and to bend the knee.”
A picture of Kim Kardashian from the back recently went viral. But people that know more than me started to talk about the relationship between her “dairy-air” and her hamstring. They were basically saying she had some sort of an under developed hamstring that made her rear look like it was sagging. Or like it was somehow a diaper-like appearance.
When I saw the video of her, I didn’t think anything of it. It just looked like she had on baggy pants. But as is always the case with the internet, the commentary outweighed the event and, in fact, created one. Take a look at these pictures and give me your analysis if you care enough.
She has that full diaper looking booty.
— Photo Guy (@DesMoinesPhoto) May 17, 2023
There are girls working as cashiers at Target 100x more attractive in every way.
Personally, I would rather talk about Kanye West’s wardrobe because he looks like he wants to be a wrestler in a dystopian novel. He kind of looks like the ruler of a trash heap.
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