Your photo library is a time machine, through which you can explore memories, candid moments, and touching images whenever you want. That is if you don’t lose your camera, phone, or computer first. With so many outside forces threatening the wellbeing of your electronics at all times, it’s important to always have a backup plan to keep your most precious data, images, and videos safe and viewable for years to come.
One effective tool for saving your most prized images is the Photo Backup Stick, which typically retails for $29, and is on sale now for just $19.99, a discount of 33%! With this product, you can back up your photos and videos from virtually all devices without duplicates and without monthly cloud storage fees.
The Photo Backup is an all-in-one picture and video backup storage tool, and it’s special because it contains software that allows users to back up from Windows computers, Macs, iPhones, iPads, and iPods. It also allows users to back up from Android devices such as phones and tablets. This advanced and helpful device comes without the added expenses and complications of cloud services and supports almost all picture and video formats.
This fantastic product is manufactured by Paraben Consumer Software, which has been making phone and computer investigation and recovery software for nearly two decades. It’s small, light-weight, and equipped to store important photos and videos for you to post for years to come, show future children, and look at whenever nostalgia strikes.
The Photo Backup is easy to use and requires simply plugging it into a Windows or Mac computer, or downloading the Backup Stick DC app for phones and tablets. Don’t miss your chance to save big and pick up the Photo Backup Stick for just $199 (reg. $29), a savings of 33%.

Photo Backup Stick – $19.99
Prices subject to change.
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