Hip-Hop Rumors: T-Boz Is Running From The Repo Man

T-Boz from the legendary R&B girl group TLC is back in financial trouble. The group famously made headlines back in 1995 when they filed for bankruptcy protection at the height of their success. Now, TMZ is reporting that Honda is looking to repossessing T-Boz’s 2005 Honda Odyssey. Wow, the car is seven years old – […]

VIDEO: theBREAX – “Breaking Out The Box”

Front man, Ruslan, is an Armenian refugee born in Baku, Azerbaijan. He moved to San Diego as a child in the 1990s, after his family fled from religious persecution in their own country. Ruslan would later meet Beleaf, a Baltimore native who was nearly homeless and moved to San Diego in search of a new […]

Non Hip-Hop Rumor: Did D’Angelo Chop Down Madonna?

Singer D’Angelo is on the comeback trail, and has sat down for a revealing interview with GQ, the singer’s first interview in 13 years. D’Angelo was thrown into the spotlight back in 1995, when he released his platinum selling album, “Brown Sugar”. He soon turned into a full fledged sex symbol and the leader of […]