In a deft tribute to the original “Zoolander” as well as perhaps an unconscious nod to Hansel’s fairytale namesake of the Hansel and Gretel variety, the folks behind “Zoolander 2” have left many social media and live interactive “Zoolander” themed crumbs for fans both old and new to enjoy leading up to this friday’s nationwide theatrical release of “Zoolander 2” on February 12, 2016, starring Ben Stiller as Zoolander, Owen Wilson as Hansel and Penelope Cruz as Valentina.
There have been some great social media bites available for view with some of the best being The House Of Atoz’s promo for Youth Milk with the fabulously expressionless Alexanya Atoz, as played brilliantly by Kristen Wiig:
And another favorite has to be where Zoolander gets his better bovine on with one of our favorite models of all time, Naomi Campbell:
However, when it came to interactive events that where exclusively IRL, one that we particularly liked was “The Derek Zoolander Memorial for Models Who Were Killed By A Freak Gasoline Fight Accident,” which ran February 6-11 in the parking lot of the ever popular Swingers Diner in the heart of Los Angeles. Replete with on site models, gas pumps, a commemorative jeep, wishing well, free drinks and a wall with pics of the fallen, it was some kind of model fantastic, as pictured here:

I don’t know about you, but it’s just doesn’t seem right to hate on any event that ends with a model earning their very own angel wings.