Revolt’s VP of legal affairs, Desiree Talley, is certainly breaking free from the traditional corporate leadership image as she works to empower the Black community to share and protect culture in a meaningful way. She also makes it her mission to equip people with the tools necessary to succeed on their journey to building empires of generational wealth.
Talley believes that all Black artists should maintain ownership of their art and works to achieve this goal, and she does a great job of combining her street smarts and books smarts while finding innovative ways to educate her community on law.
Desiree’s podcast “POPLAW” is a part of the newly launched REVOLT Podcast Network. On POPLAW she discusses the intersection of business, culture and law, and simplifies legal jargon for those who do not come from a legal background but want to understand the larger impact and implications of legal cases.
Desiree recently sat down with AllHipHop’s Rea Davis to discuss protecting culture & intellectual property, avoiding R.I.C.O. charges, good contracts, what she’s learned from Diddy and more.
Check out the interview below!
Videographer: @JQuanJarrell
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