What’s up everybody? Happy Friday! I’m glad we made it!
Anyway, Rihanna and Chris Brown got back together in 2012. Back together or came back to gather more BS for us to talk about? Anyway, I’ve had no doubt that this would eventually turn into one of the biggest fiascos of the upcoming year. And It looks like I was right. Seems like RiRi is sending CB a message.

Black Women come for 2Chainz!
This video isn’t new, but its not old either. I say its not old, because its not going away. When you hear this dialogue from women talking about their depiction in this video, its compelling. Then, on the other side, it is kinda old. These conversations go way back to Nelly and even stuff like “Rump Shaker.” What do you think?
Hit the pole! I mean, take the poll!
Illseed, Out.
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