See how they do? Take a bite and leave the rest! Miley Cyrus brought the twerk game to Middle America, used it up and now she is reportedly through with it. In a recent interview for Rolling Stone, she says she is over it.“Now people expect me to come out and twerk with my tongue out all the time. I’ll probably never do that s### again.”I’m from one of the wealthiest counties in America. I know what I am, But I also know what I like to listen to. Look at any 20 year old white girl right now, thats what they’re listening to at the club. Its 2013.The gays are getting married. We’re all collaborating. I would never think about the color of my dancers. Times are changing. I there’s a generation or two left, and then it’s gonna be a whole new world.”This is a blessing but very typical from a cultural vantage point!