Dame Dash Aims To Publicly Torture Lyor Cohen Every Chance He Gets

Dame Dash

Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder Dame Dash told AllHipHop he thinks Lyor Cohen “should be on the back of a milk box.”

Dame Dash unleashed more venom directed at Lyor Cohen in an interview with AllHipHop’s Chuck Creekmur and DJ Thoro. The Roc-A-Fella Records co-founder bashed Cohen for making disrespectful comments and exploiting people in the music industry.

“I feel like in the music business, I benched Lyor because he’s a culture vulture,” Dame Dash said. “But then he went over to YouTube and he became the person that pacifies everybody while they rob everybody of their CPMs and their data, period. So, when you see someone creates a 360 deal or something that doesn’t behoove the artist in one industry, how do you trust them in another?”

He continued, “Why would you not expect me to torture you in public every chance I get? So, you shouldn’t have did it. And now I’m on your head, Lyor. Nobody’s scared of you. And for some reason, your algorithm is us beefing with each other.”

Dame desired some type of showdown with Cohen. Dame wished he could fight Cohen in a celebrity boxing match, but he said Cohen was too old for it to be fair.

“I would beat the—and I wouldn’t even do that because that’s not even what I‘m about,” he told AllHipHop. “Lyor was old when I was young. He was old 20 years ago to me. He looks like if I blow him on him, he’ll fall apart.”

Dame thought twice about putting his hands on YouTube’s Global Head of Music, but he still wished ill on Cohen.

“[He’s] a person that I see that people respect, people celebrate, that’s robbing us while we celebrate him,” Dame said. “And someone that tried to erase our culture. Someone that’s invented a system of robbing us in different verticals from our clothing rights to our show rights. And then someone that’s not making us understand CPMs or data when they’re taking it all from us. I just think that person should be on the back of a milk box.”

Check out AllHipHop’s entire conversation with Dame below.