Daniel Cameron Asks for Extension to Release the Tapes of Him Telling Them NOT to Consider Murder Charges

Breonna Taylor

More info is coming out about how a grand jury allowed the cops to beat murder charges for killing Breonna Taylor.

Attorney General Daniel Cameron recently admitted that he told a jury not to consider murder charges for  the police who shot Breonna Taylor since they were “justified.”

This admission came during a Tuesday, September 29th interview with WDRB where he said the only charges that he recommended were against Louisville Metro Police officer Brett Hankison for wanton endangerment.

What he did tell the panel is that Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly and Det. Myles Cosgrove were covered by Kentucky law when they entered Taylor’s home, breaking down her door and shooting her dead.

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Cameron said, “Our recommendation was that Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified in their acts and their conduct.”

“Ultimately our judgment is that the charge that we could prove at trial beyond a reasonable doubt was for wanton endangerment against Mr. Hankison,” he continued. “They’re an independent body. If they wanted to make an assessment about different charges, they could have done that.”

This comes right before Daniel Cameron asked a judge for an extension to present the recordings from the Grand Jury proceeding, originally due to be released on Wednesday, September 30.

Cameron shared that he wanted to redact personal information from a witness. According to his office, the judge gave him a two-day extension.

READ MORE: Rihanna Calls Out Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron For Not Charging The Officers That Killed Breonna Taylor

Originally, Cameron told the public that the grand jury made their decision (without coaxing) after they heard the testimony of one witness that proved cops announced themselves before entering, even as 11 witnesses said that the police did not say anything.

That changed after an anonymous juror came forward, saying that he wanted permission to speak publicly about what was presented to them.

An attorney for the panelist wrote in a court filing, “The full story and absolute truth of how this matter was handled from beginning to end is now an issue of great public interest and has become a large part of the discussion of public trust throughout the country.”

“The attorney general publicly made many statements that referenced what the grand jury heard and decisions that were made based on what certain witnesses said,” he continued.

“He further laid those decisions at the feet of the grand jury while failing to answer specific questions regarding the charges presented,” it ended.

READ MORE: Officer Involved in Breonna Taylor’s Murder, Wife Write Letters to Clear His Name

The world is anxiously awaiting to hear exactly what was said and to put on blast the AG for trying to flip the court to get the cops off.