Kanye “Ye” West was not the only person to catch heat for his “White Lives Matter” shirt. Selah Marley, the daughter of Lauryn Hill and Rohan Marley, also faced significant online backlash.
Many social media users slammed Selah Marley for taking part in Kanye West’s Yeezy Season 9 fashion show. The Paris-set event featured models, such as Selah, wearing “White Lives Matter” shirts.
On Tuesday, Selah Marley addressed the controversy on her Instagram Story. The 23-year-old granddaughter of Reggae legend Bob Marley stated she would not allow people on the internet to bully her.
“The past 24 hours has allowed me to realize that most of yall are stuck in a hive mentality,” posted Selah Marley. “You do what the group tells you to do and think what the group tells you to think. Witnessing someone break free from ‘the agenda’ sends you all into such a panic that you will do whatever it takes to force them back into the box that you feel they should exist in.”
She continued, “You cannot bully me, manipulate me, or coax me into silence. Nor will you bully me into being who I don’t want to be. I don’t care how many tweets you make, DMs you send, or articles you write.”
Selah Marley concluded her IG statement by writing, “Throughout all the chaos, I have yet to speak on my experience. If you know me, you know that nothing I do is without deep thought and intention. Wait til you hear what I have to say.”
In addition, Selah Marley shared a text she apparently sent to Kanye West. The message included Selah seemingly asking Ye to help her to continue the conversation about the “White Lives Matter” apparel in order to show the “depth” and “purity” of the decision.
The negative reactions to Kanye West’s “White Lives Matter” shirts mostly stem from the belief that the phrase is a reactionary talking point used by white supremacists, white nationalists, and the Alt-Right. West also upset some people by downplaying the Black Lives Matter movement in response to the critiques.