Did Republicans Dis-Invite 50 Cent From RNC?

50 Cent

Word on the street is that 50 Cent was slated to perform at the RNC, but someone stopped it. Check out the rumor.

Here’s some tea for you. You know I don’t usually use words like “tea,” but I’m about to now.

Donald Trump came out to a 50 Cent banger that we all know: “Many Men.” It’s one of the biggest hits from the Queens rapper, but now it’s being used for some diabolical behavior—the Republican Nation Convention. That’s right, Donald Trump, also from Queens, is using a song we love to further the idea that he was almost killed. “Many men” are also questioning the validity of the assassination attempt, but that’s another story. Where’s the medical report, Mr. Former President?

Anyway, whenever Donald Trump uses someone’s song, typically they get a cease and-desist letter. However, it seems to be universally accepted that 50 Cent allowed the use of the song. We don’t know the terms of that agreement, but he certainly didn’t send a cease and desist. In fact, he promoted himself on social media, superimposing a picture of Donald Trump’s mug on his own body.

Here’s where it gets even more interesting. 50 Cent was slated to perform at the Republican National Convention and was going to show out in front of the largest, most rapid MAGA gathering ever. Well, that didn’t happen. Why?

Word on the street is that JD Vance, the vice-presidential candidate for Donald Trump vetoed it. No one quite knows why, but some folks with very powerful sources, who we can’t mention at this moment, have said they didn’t want a Black rapper performing at the conference. This doesn’t top Tim Scott doing all that Tom Behavior and still not getting his VP look.

But what’s crazy is that 50 Cent was reportedly disinvited. That’s wild, if true. How are they going let let Amber Rose cook like unseasoned chicken on stage and not one of the greatest rappers ever rock? You can’t dis Fif. Maybe he’ll comment on this so we can get the confirmed scoop.