You may’ve seen this crazy headline:
Quality Control Acquired By Scooter Braun’s HYBE For Reported $300 Million
The news came as a shocker! The guys from AllHipHop were just with P in Los Angeles. Not like he was about to tell a news outlet all this busy-ness, but it just seems interesting.
Anyway. any time a Black person sells their business, they are called a “sell-out” and dismissed as a pariah to the community. Well, Q heard the chatter and decided to respond!
See what he said below:

I guess he cares what people think. If I made something like $300 million, I would not much care what people thought! Yall can kiss my a$$ and good night!
Moving along! J. Prince has successfully made Wack100 look sensible. As you know, Brother James has been going back and forth with Offset and Cardi B. Online, he basically said Offset needed his help from the streets. Both Cardi and Offset called “CAP” on the allegations.

So, what does Wack100 do? He backs up Offset’s account of things, saying that they had mad Bloods to protect their fellow Damu. You know, Cardi is a Bronx Blood. Here is what he had to say.
That n-gga lying. We covered for @iamcardib that weekend. She’s a Damu and we kept her straight. She had 100 with her all weekend. On top of her management team.… @jprincerespect your all #Cap WHY ARE YOU LETTING THE WORLD KNOW THIS MAN HAD A PROBLEM WITH YOU & YOU HEARD THIS IN THE STREETS!
And, well…who is lying?